Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Resolutions: Celebrity Edition

Today is New Year's Eve. Every blog and his brother (Do blog's have siblings? If not, they should.) is posting an article about what the respective author's New Year's resolutions are for the upcoming year.

Me? I'm gonna pass. I'm not that important. Who cares about my resolutions?

Instead, I decided to take a stab at what the resolutions should be for some key celebrities.

Just for giggles.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Friday Funhouse: Dec. 30, 2011

It's the last "Friday Funhouse" post of 2011.

It feels super weird typing that and even weirder reading it on the screen. Where did this year go? I guess we always say that, but it seems particularly true this go-round.

Usually, the "Funhouse" is a recap of the major happenings in that given week. With it being the end of the year and all, I decided to switch things up.

For this edition of "Friday Funhouse," I decided to recap all the big events that happened in 2011. It'd be too massive to post about everything that happened in the world or even the country.

Instead, I decided to focus on the major happenings in my life in 2011. Here's what it looked like:

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Frat Dudes Music Video for Katy Perry's 'Firework'

I found this earlier today, thought it was hilarious and decided to pass the blessing on to you. If you don't have a sense of humor, you will despise this video:

Hilarious, no?

Putting the Pessimist to Sleep

Is it half-full or half-empty?

The optimist would say it's half-full. He'd say he was grateful for the water that he did have. He'd say every drop was a blessing and that some people didn't have any water at all.

Not me.

It's something that I've always struggled with. I'm a perfectionist. I'm competitive. I strive to be the very best at everything I do. 

That's not always a good thing.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Isle of Man Movie Review: 'We Bought a Zoo'

Every Christmas, after the turkey has been handily put down, the presents have been unwrapped and thrown into corners and we've had a bit of time to "digest" it all, the Haggerty family hits the town to check out a movie, together. It's a fun tradition that we started a few years ago.

Let me explain why this is a big deal.

I'm the oldest of seven kids. That's right. Seven. Three of us are married. Another of my siblings is close. We live in different places and operate on different schedules.

Getting all of us in the same room is award-worthy. Getting us all to, then, agree on a movie, get there together and actually make it all the way through? Well that's just a Christmas miracle.

We weren't all able to make it, but most of my family went to see Cameron Crowe's "We Bought a Zoo" this Christmas.

Here's what I thought of it:

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

TheIsleofMan.Net Interview: 'Tamara Lunardo from'

Tamara Lunardo blogs about her thoughts on life and faith at Tamara Out Loud. Her writing is inspirational, vulnerable and, when she puts her mind to it, it's humorous as well. She also is a part-time freelance editor and writer, is often syndicated at BlogHer and contributes monthly at A Deeper Story. Last, but not even close to least, she is the mother of five children. She's practically a superhero. 

Tamara was kind enough to take some time out of her busy schedule to answer a few of my questions. We talked about "girl-versus-girl" cagefighting, tattoos and Christianity. She was a great sport.

Check out the interview after the jump!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Three Funny Videos

This time of the year can be stressful. It's not supposed to be, but the holiday season brings a certain amount of frustration that can make it difficult to step away from it all and breathe. "The Isle of Man" is here to help. Here are three videos that make me laugh. Enjoy.

1 - Whoopi Goldberg "passes gas" on LIVE TV!

2 - Jimmy Kimmel encourages parents to give gag gifts to their kids...and videotape it!

3 - Oldie but a Goodie: "I Don't Like You Mommy"

Which one was your favorite? Have some links of your own? Feel free to share!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas from Us to You!

Abercrombie & Fitch: Eat your hearts out.

Yes. I'm aware that my wife is tremendously hotter than me. Thanks a lot.

We good now?


I'm hitting "pause" on "The Isle of Man" for Christmas. I'll be back with new content on Monday. In the meantime, I'll be enjoying some downtime with my family and loved ones. I hope you'll do the same. Feel free to leave holiday wishes, Christmas card pictures or just a comment to tell me you miss me.

Merry Christmas!!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Isle of Man Movie Review: 'Warrior'

Right off the bat, let's get something straight.

I'm sure there are some of you who look at the title and subject of this post and are saying, "'Warrior' isn't a new movie! It came out in theaters months ago!"

I rarely make it out to the theater. There are select, few movies that I will actually leave the comfort of my home, brave the elements and put up with annoying people in order to see.

You see, I just don't have to. Like many Americans, I've constructed a home theater. It consists of a 46-inch LCD flatscreen TV, complete with installed-by-me, surround sound. It's not top of the line, but it's nice. And you know what my theater doesn't have?

Other people.

So unless a preview for a movie totally knocks my shoes and my socks off, I'm gonna wait a few months and just watch that sucker in the comfort of my home theater.

"Warrior" is one such movie that I waited for. Here's what I thought of it:

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Guest post by Rob Shepherd: 'Mary Christmas -- It’s Facebook!'

Today's post is a guest post by my friend Rob Shepherd. Rob writes for and runs, a blog that features movie reviews, "Mind Dumps" and spiritual insights that will make you say: "Hmm..." Rob is married to Monica (a fellow teacher -- God bless her!), the proud father of two twin babies and is a Laker fan! Without further ado, heeeeeere's Rob!

Mary Christmas -- It’s Facebook!

Last week, my wife showed me a video on Facebook that featured status updates from the Christmas story. Seeing that video spurred on an immediate thought:

"Why didn’t I think of that!?" 

Now, I tell you that because I’m about to throw down my own Mary and Joseph Facebook status updates and I don’t want to hear how someone else already did it. If I’ve learned anything in this life, it’s that there is always room for two. We have McDonald’s and Burger King. We have Pepsi and Coke. I have twins, Reese and Hayden. My point is that I know I ripped this idea, but I hope you will still enjoy it. 

Now, most scholars believe that Mary was a teenage girl. Take that into mind. The following is a Facebook account of the Christmas story. 

Mary: "OMG I’m preggers."

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Blast From the Past: "My Strengths are also my Weaknesses"

It's another re-run on "The Isle of Man" today as things slow down a bit in preparation for Christmas. This was a post from last month that everyone seemed to enjoy. It wasn't easy to write, but being truly vulnerable is generally difficult. I hope you find this helpful. 

My Strengths are also my Weaknesses

They say that our strengths can also be our weaknesses. The attributes that make us admirable and fun to be with can also be tragic flaws that cause us to accidentally alienate ourselves from everyone we love.

I fail at lot of things. I'm pretty good at failing, truth be told.

Uplifting, right?

Michael Jackson said it best when he said: "I'm starting with the man in the mirror." (He was probably doing some bizarre before he said it and, most likely, he went back to being absurd as soon as he was done. That's okay. Rest in peace, Mike.)

With that said, I've got some confessions to make.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Movie Trailer Alerts: Official trailers for 'The Dark Knight Rises' and 'The Hobbit'

Most of you know I'm a big movie buff. Two 2012 movies I'm hugely excited about are "The Dark Knight Rises" (the third movie in Christopher Nolan's take on "Batman") and "The Hobbit" (the prequel to the "Lord of the Rings" movies).

This week, the official "teaser" trailers for both movies were released. I wanted to share the love.

Merry Christmas!

(Click "Read More" to see both trailer vids!)

Blast From the Past: "Top Ten Fun Things to do in Gloucester, Virginia"

It's getting close to Christmas. Call it "laziness." Call it "slowing down for the holidays." But I decided to take a day off and make today's serving of "The Isle of Man" a re-run. This is a post I wrote a couple months ago, right after my wife and I moved from Newport News, VA to Gloucester, VA. Hope you enjoy it!

Top Ten Fun Things to do in Gloucester, Virginia

As of tomorrow, Kim and I will have officially lived in Gloucester, Virginia for one full week. That's right. We're veterans now. We pretty much know everything there is to know about the area.

I decided to share our newly acquired wealth of information with those of you who have lived in or around Gloucester for some time now, as well as with those of you who were thinking of visiting.

America loves top ten lists, right?

Here is my top ten list of fun things to do in Gloucester, Virginia:

Monday, December 19, 2011

Sketchy Santas

As of today, Christmas is a mere six days away.

The advent calendars are getting full. The time to purchase gifts for friends and family is quickly eroding.

I thought it would be nice to post a warm and fuzzy article on Christmas and the importance of family this time of year.

But I figured everyone was doing that, so I went another route (I'm such a rebel).

I was recently made aware of a site called "Sketchy Santas." It's a webpage that features pictures and videos of Santa looking funny or creepy, as well as other Christmas-related goodies.

It's unorthodox and uncomfortable, but a lot of it is seriously hilarious.

**Disclaimer: Visit this website at your own risk. Select portions of it are a bit risque.**

After the jump, check out some of the choicer selections that I've picked out just for you, straight from the fine folks at "Sketchy Santas:"

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Herman Cain talks spiders, swag, cowboys and anthrax (VIDEO)

Herman Cain made quite a little run during his time in the Republican Presidential race. He became famous for his "5-5-5" plan to save the economy, as well as a decent amount of other quoteworthy "nuggets."

In a video created by BadLipReading, Cain has been overdubbed and made to look like he is saying some pretty ridiculous things. 

Enough of my blabbering. You just need to watch.

(Click "Read More" to see Video)

The Five Year Engagement

I like movies. I like Jason Segel (even moreso after his part in the fantastic new Muppets movie). 

In April, 2012, "The Five-Year Engagement" is set to be released, starring Segel, Emily Blunt and Chris Pratt (aka: "Andy" from "Parks and Rec").

From what I gather, the film charts the relationship of a couple who become engaged, only to have their engagement prolonged, several times, by unexpected bumps in the road.

Check out the trailer after the jump:

Saturday, December 17, 2011

If you can't laugh at yourself...someone will

Ever heard of "Laughter Yoga?"

I hadn't either, until today. Apparently, you just laugh. You laugh hard. You laugh a lot. It's supposed to be therapeutic.

It makes sense, in theory, but like any good idea, if placed in the wrong hands, it can be a disaster. After the jump, check out a video of one of the leading "Laughter Yoga" practitioners showing viewers how they can take part in the newest sensation that's sweeping the nation.


Buying a Domain Name

So, recently, I've been considering switching things up a little bit. 

I've been advised by several bloggers more experienced than myself to purchase a domain name and stop using the Blogspot URL. 

I went to to look into the prospect of hooking it up. is taken. So that won't work.

So, for giggles, I went with the personal tip. I looked up, fully knowing that it probably wouldn't be available. It wasn't, but wanted to offer some helpful alternatives (Disclaimer: I'm not exaggerating at all. You can't make this kind of stuff up).

Here they were:





The last one at least makes a little sense, but I'm not sure how I feel about calling me "Kev." We're not that close.

The first one is okay, but so many hyphens. So complicated. It totally defeats the purpose.

But seriously. "Old Woman?" "Ugly woman?" Do people really take these suggestions?

It just seemed terribly random. I'm not gonna lie. I laughed out loud. 


So maybe you guys can help me out with this. I need a domain name I can stick with. Kevin Haggerty is apparently too popular a name. I like The Isle of Man and have received positive feedback, but it doesn't work for the domain name.

Feedback, please!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday Funhouse: Dec. 16, 2011

Here we go again!

Another seven days have passed. At this point, you've ever successfully made it all the way through the work week or you're close to being there.

Hooray for the weekend!

Here's what happened this week:

Jimmy Fallon is Hosting SNL Tomorrow Night (Dec. 17)

When Jimmy Fallon was a regular cast member on Saturday Night Live (SNL), I gotta be honest...I didn't really love his work. Since he left, he's done movies. Almost all of which have been miserable failures.

In short, I was never a Fallon fan.

When I found out he'd be taking over for Conan on the "after-Jay-Leno" shift, I thought it was weird. I watched his first few shows. He seemed stiff, nervous and uncomfortable. I was uncomfortable too. So I changed the channel and never watched again.

That is until recently. 

About three months ago, Kim and I watched one of his shows. I can't even remember why I opted to give him another chance. What I can tell you is that I'm glad I did.

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon has quickly become my favorite late night show. I'm becoming an old man, so I'm rarely able to stay up for it, but we do DVR it. (Sidenote: How awesome is it that "DVR" is now a verb?)


I strongly recommend that you give it a chance. I feel like Fallon has finally found his groove. His show offers a unique blend of quirky sketches, good music and a very laid-back, overall feel. We dig it.

Jimmy will be hosting SNL tomorrow night. Michael Buble is the musical guest. One out of two ain't bad.

Here's what else went down this week:

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Can Men and Women be 'Just Friends?'

Is it possible for men and women to be merely platonic acquaintances? Really?

It's a discussion I've had on multiple occasions. People laugh. They cry (okay, not really). Sometimes, they get really upset.

It's a hot-button topic, and it seems that everyone has a fairly strong opinion on the matter.

Whilst cruising Sharideth Smith's blog, "A WOMAN'S GUIDE TO WOMEN: A BLOG FOR MEN," I came across a post that included an interesting video.

I'm openly admitting to stealing from her. But hey, it's for a good cause: I'm sharing it with you.

Your mission is simple: 1) Watch the video (it's not long) and 2) Leave a comment voicing your opinion on the matter. 

Keep it clean. No cursing or name-calling (especially "cotton headed ninny muggins"...that's just not cool, man). 

Video after the jump:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A letter to my future self

Sometimes, we need to be reminded of what our dreams and goals were. It's easy to get so caught up in the moment that you lose sight of why you even started.

It isn't that we never knew what it was that originally fueled our fire; it's that we forgot. is a really cool website that allows visitors to write emails to themselves, in the future. The neat thing about it is that it gives you time to forget that you wrote it, then, hopefully, it comes to you at the perfect, opportune moment.

Today, I wrote my future self an email. It will arrive on this day, a full year from now. 

Here's what it looked like:

Worship Wednesday: Hillsong United - 'With Us'

Those of you who know us know that Kim and I have both been involved in leading worship for some time now. We've been blessed to have been able to get up on stage, on many occasions, and lead groups of God's people to the throne via song.

One of our favorite worship bands (and bands, period) is Hillsong United, based primarily out of Australia. We've used much of their music during our time as leaders of worship, and their material is played loudly during car trips on a frequent basis.

Today's "Worship Wednesday" features a song by Hillsong United called "With Us." The song can be found on their recent album "God is Able." The CD is amazing, top to bottom. I highly recommend picking it up ASAP.

If you like this song, but want to hear more before you purchase an album, or if you just want to watch more of their videos, check out their YouTube channel by clicking HERE.

After the jump, check out the video for "God is Able:"

Monday, December 12, 2011

Three things that I love - Volume Two

We're still getting to know each other.

Blogs can be narcissistic. That said, it's not how I want it.

The eventual goal is to get you, the reader, involved in an exchange of banter and personal information. With that goal in mind, it's time for another rousing rendition of "Three Things that I Love."

Here goes nothing!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Charlie Brown talks about the 'true meaning of Christmas' (VIDEO)

Remember when it was okay to talk about what the holiday of Christmas is actually based upon? Sounds crazy to talk about nowadays, but it used to actually be totally cool to discuss it publicly.

Look, I'm not trying to go all Bill O'Reilly on you. I don't really think the holiday is under attack and, generally speaking, most people won't pitch a fit if you talk about the virgin birth on Christmas.

That said, it's a little wild to me that a mainstream Christmas special was this bold.


Sunday's Best - Dec. 11, 2011

Time for another installment of "Sunday's Best."

If you've been lurking in the background for a while now, this is your opportunity to come on out and introduce yourself. It's okay. We won't bite.

Leave a quick comment, telling us how you usually spend your "day of rest."

I'll go first.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas Movie Marathon

It's Christmas time -- my favorite time of the year!

Seriously. I geek out on Christmas in a major way. If you don't believe me, watch this video:

As you can see, I don't play. I love everything about Christmas, but one of my favorite things about this season are CHRISTMAS MOVIES!

Here's my list of favorites:

Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday Funhouse: Dec. 9, 2011

Another week has come and gone.

Here's a summary of the top shenanigans and other newsworthy items that went down in the last seven days:


Former Syracuse University assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine has been accused of molesting multiple young boys during his stint at Syracuse. 

The most prominent of the accusations has been made by former ballboy Bobby Davis.

It's looking more and more like Fine is going to skate, based on the fact that it's been so long since the alleged acts occurred. 

Yesterday, Onondaga County District Attorney William Fitzpatrick made a public and heartrending apology to Davis, essentially admitting that he believes Fine is guilty, but that he will not be able to prosecute him:

"Bobby, I'm sorry it took so long," he said. "I wish I had met you as a prosecutor in 2002. Even more importantly, I wish I had met you as a prosecutor back in the 1980s. We wouldn't be here today."
Fine will get what's coming to him. The universe has a way of working these things out. It's just a shame that, at least for now, he's going to avoid the legal system for committing what appear to be deplorable acts.

I know, I know. I usually do humor and there's nothing funny about this. As a coach, and someone who works with kids, this kind of stuff just really bugs me and I can't help but speak out against scum like these guys.

Here's what else went down this week:

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I'm gonna be a daddy!

What a gigantic difference one tiny line makes.

On Friday, Dec. 2, 2011, my entire world changed. That was the day that my wife Kim told me that, ready or not, I was going to be a daddy. She was going to be a mommy.

WE...are having a baby.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Kittens: Inspired by...kittens

This video follows the classic formula:

"Adorable little girl + cats + total and utter nonsense = comedic gold."

Fact: If you hate this video, you hate America.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Life on other planets

So I was perusing the interwebs the other night when I noticed a news report, stating that NASA has discovered a new alien planet in a habitable zone.

In laymen's terms: They believe they've found a planet that is not named "Earth" that is capable of sustaining life.

I've always kinda been interested in this sort of thing. I've weirded my wife out multiple times by staying up late and watching cable specials about UFO's and supposed alien sightings.

I don't know what is it that fascinates me about it. Maybe it's the unknown. Either way, it isn't just me. There are thousands upon thousands of websites regarding aliens and UFO's. The television specials just keep coming.

People eat it up.

For me, it isn't even just UFO's. If there's a special on "Bigfoot," I'm all-in. If I happen to flip over to a revealing TV show about the "Lochness Monster," hold all my calls. I'll be busy for the next hour.

It's boring,'s my life.

Do you think there's life on other planets? Do you have any strange obsessions that you're embarrassed to admit?

Leave a comment!

Eff Eh Cue: How to post a comment

It's come to my attention that some of you are having trouble posting comments on the posts at The Isle Of Man

First and foremost, I'm sorry for the frustration. I sincerely hope that this has not caused any undue stress or played a role in any relationship problems you may have suffered during this traumatic issue.

After the jump (which is "blogger code" for the part that says "Read more"), I'll walk you through the steps for how to leave the first of many comments to come.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Thanks a pantload

Over the past week or so, traffic on The Isle of Man has increased exponentially. Some of you have come out of the woodwork and left comments in the comment section. Some of you haven't been bold enough yet, but you're thinking about it and that's the first step.

Whether you've been checking in faithfully just to read the content, you've left feedback, you've followed on Twitter or just told friends about the blog, I just wanted to say thank you!

I'd like to take this opportunity to open the comment section to you. Do you have a blog or personal website you'd like to promote? Have a cause you'd like to bring awareness to? Want to leave a comment to say how much you've enjoyed The Isle of Man or how you've totally hated it?

Go for it.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sued for Farting

Jack Vale makes funny videos. Some of his videos involve a fart machine (aka: "The Pooter"). Sometimes, people are not able to see the humor in a fake fart. It's crazy, but these people do exist.

Exhibit A:

Enjoy your Saturday!

To leave a comment, click below where it says "Read more."

Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday Funhouse: Dec. 2, 2011

Time to wrap-up another crazy week at "The Isle."

Here's the top news, complete with sarcastic and satirical comments from yours truly.


So, like a lot of fans, I have mixed emotions about this. I kind've want all these spoiled millionaires to lose out on a season and learn their lesson. The problem with that is multi-layered. First, what about the rookies? I'm down with them having to work at Best Buy because "Melo" and "CP3" can't agree how much their brand is worth. Also, the fans lose by not getting to watch the NBA for a year.

Ultimately, I'm happy. I'll get to watch the Lakers on Christmas. I'll get to see if "The Jimmer" is legit or just a bunch of hype. I'll get to see if the Miami Heat can live up to expectations or melt under the pressure again. I love the NBA and I'm happy they worked out their ridiculous multi-million dollar differences. 

Here's what else happened this week:

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mixed Martial Arts for Dummies

I love mixed martial arts (MMA). It's a big part of who I am. I actually am employed, part-time, as a writer for an MMA website called MMA Mania

That said, I don't expect everyone to share my affinity for the sport. It's violent. It's still somewhat of a "fringe" attraction.

However, I find that there are many misconceptions about this sport that I follow and have to come to love. 

This is a primer. "MMA for Dummies." Today is the day of your education.