Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Very Muppet Movie Review

When I first found out they were making a new Muppets movie, I was skeptical. I grew up on The Muppets. It's kinda like re-making The Karate Kid. You just don't do it.

Oh, wait.

So, when my mom suggested we go see The Muppets as a family tonight, I wasn't onboard 100-percent. 

After the jump, I'll give you my totally honest opinion of how I liked Jason Segel's take on The Muppets:

I grew up on The Muppets. "Kermit" and "Miss Piggy" were role models. They were my friends.

I guess Jason Segel (of I Love You, Man and Forgetting Sarah Marshall) hung out with them too when he was a kid, because recently, he took it upon himself to write and star in a new re-vamped version of the old, familiar classic.

I'm gonna spare you the suspense and tell you, right now, that I loved it. I loved everything about it. For 98 glorious minutes, I was five years old again.

There were numerous points where I paused and looked around the theater to find that this diverse crowd of small children to older adults (60-plus) were all enjoying it in equal proportions. There was truly something for everyone.

Segel was able to keep the magic of the original Muppets, yet infuse this film with pop culture and new ideas that made it his very own.

On the drive home, my wife asked me, "Do you think they'll make a sequel?"


That's all you can ask for. She was asking because she wanted there to be a sequel...and so did everyone in the theater. 

On top of the movie being hilarious and entertaining, it also made some good points. Not everyone who sees this film will ascertain that Segel is satirizing today's culture; specifically children's programming and how "dumbed down" it is.

I'm sorry, but Yo Gabba Gabba is not The Muppets. It never could be. The classics hold up and this movie proves that.

I will see this movie again. I will buy it when it comes out on Blu Ray. (What's a "dee-vee-dee?")

I'd love for you to go see the movie, then come back here and tell me what you enjoyed most about the film -- in the comment section. No spoilers, though.