It's Christmas time -- my favorite time of the year!
Seriously. I geek out on Christmas in a major way. If you don't believe me, watch this video:
As you can see, I don't play. I love everything about Christmas, but one of my favorite things about this season are CHRISTMAS MOVIES!
Here's my list of favorites:
(in order of greatest to least)
1) Home Alone -- This is my favorite. I know. Some of you are going to say it doesn't count. It's not technically about Christmas. Bite me. It is. You can't get more Christmassy than a movie about a little boy who gets split up from his family (who he'd taken for granted and grown to resent), hilariously booby traps his house and defends it against two bumbling would-be thieves and is then re-united with his family, having a newly found love and appreciation for his parents and siblings. (Sidenote: Yeah, I never said SPOILER, but if you haven't seen Home Alone and also are unfamiliar with the plot...what planet do you live on??) Home Alone rules. End of story.
2) Elf -- Will Ferrell in tights, playing a 30-year old grown man who had lived his entire life thinking he was an elf, but then realizes his real father lives in New York City and that he needs to go find him and introduce himself. This is the formula for success. If you don't like this movie, I don't hate you, but I do question your salvation.
3) National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation -- Chevy Chase is the best. This movie is jam-packed with utter ridiculousness, but I love it. There are just so many fantastic elements to this film. It is also possibly the most quoteworthy (yeah, that's a new word) movie you will ever see. "The blessing! They want you to say the blessing!!" I will say, as a warning, if you haven't seen this movie, it's probably best not to watch with small kids. There is a little bit of profanity.
4) A Christmas Story -- This is just a classic. You've heard it a million times. "You'll put your eye out!" The tale of Ralphie and his quest for a Red Ryder bee-bee gun is one of the finer stories ever told. I watch this every year. You should too.
5) A Charlie Brown Christmas -- This is a sentimental choice. It's cheesy. I accept that. I just feel like the family and wholesome value of it holds up. It reminds me of being a kid. It's pure and sincere. I look forward to one day watching this movie with my kids.
Noteworthy mentions: Grinch, Home Alone 2, Jingle All the Way.
So that's my list. Let's hear yours!