Monday, January 30, 2012

What Would You Do?

ABC has a television show that you may be aware of called "What Would You Do?" It's hosted by John Quinones, and is essentially a human behavior study, caught on film.

The premise is simple. Quinones and his crew "stage" events, using actors in public places. The events are all meant to test average, every day citizens and to see if they have the character to "do the right thing" when it's uncomfortable to do so in a social setting.

Kim and I were watching a few episodes last night on Hulu Plus (uh-mazing!) and it got me thinking about how I would actually respond to some of the situations. It was truly an intrinsic moral dilemma. I'd like to think I'd do the right thing. But I dunno. I can be a wimp sometimes. Can't we all?

So I decided to bring you along for the ride. After the jump, I've posted several video excerpts from the show. I want you to watch the videos, take a few minutes to reflect, then honestly answer in the comment section with how you would respond if you were placed these situations.

I'm challenging you. Be real. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Week in Review: Jan. 23, 2012

Forget something?

Look, you can't fool me. I know when you miss a day of TheIsleOfMan.Net. I can feel the negative energy as it enters into the universe. It's akin to when characters in Harry Potter are brash enough to utter the name of Voldemort, aloud.

It's fine. You're important. I get it. 

Because I love you (in a totally platonic way), I went to the trouble of recapping all the goodness that went down while you weren't around.

Here's what you missed:

Oh, and here's some new content to tide you over for the weekend:

Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Funhouse: Jan. 27, 2012

It's Friday!!!!!!!!!!

Time for another rousing edition of "The Funhouse."

These were some of the things that stand out to me as "big deal" items from the past week:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Air Up There

I love basketball. I also love watching people fail at things, epically if possible. The following post is a beautiful combination of both.

You're welcome.

More after the jump...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

TheIsleofMan.Net Interview: 'Clay Morgan from'

Clay Morgan is a professor, writes for and runs and is one of the more enjoyable Twitter users you will ever follow.

He grew up in the 80's and 90's like I did, so he shares a lot of the same traumatic experiences. Mostly due to people wearing backwards pants and white people trying to rap.

Clay is legitimately one of my favorite bloggers on these here "interwebs." If you give him a chance, I believe you'll feel the same way.

On my signal, unleash the shenanigans:

Monday, January 23, 2012

Why I prefer real books to e-books

I used to read a lot when I was younger, but I stopped.

When I was in High School, getting perfect grades was important to my parents. It was important to me too. I read a lot, but it was because I was forced to.

In college, I experienced a similar "forced labor" of reading.

The combination of all this resulted in my passion for reading being stolen. That is, until recently, when I started reading e-books.

After I discovered Kindle and Nook Books on my smart phone, that became the only way I would read. If it was a real book, I just probably wasn't going to read it.

But I recently had a conversation with a family member that changed my mind completely.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Week in Review: Jan. 16, 2012

Look, I'm gonna be honest. It's my preference that you check in with TheIsleOfMan.Net on a daily basis. It would make my world better if you followed me on Twitter and subscribed to the blog so you received updates.

But you're too important for that. It's cool. I get it and I forgive you.

Here's what you missed:

And if you're yearning for new content that isn't recycled, check out this video after the jump:

Thursday, January 19, 2012

TheIsleofMan.Net Interview: 'Bryan Allain from'

Bryan Allain is a husband, father and blogger who runs the very popular He is also the author of "31 Days to Finding Your Blogging Mojo," an e-book that every blogger should read. In addition to his blog site, Bryan also runs, a site devoted to helping other bloggers through community.

He's a funny guy, a pretty down-to-earth dude, and even though he's a Boston Celtics fan, he's still alright with me.

Bryan does a fair amount of interviews.

This was one of them.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Help me name my baby!!

As most of you guys know, my wife Kim and I are having a baby in August.

Like all expecting parents, one of the things we have on our "to do" list is to choose a name for the child to be. What better way for you to get involved in my life than to help me name my baby?

Here's the deal:

Monday, January 16, 2012

Top signs that you might be a jerk

A real friend is someone who will tell you when you have a booger hanging out of your nose. 

It's true, but sometimes, even our real friends don't have the heart to be honest with us about our serious character flaws.

Maybe you've suspected it. You feel it, deep down. You think you're a pretty decent dude or dudette, but there's just this voice that asks a question from within your consciousness:

"Am I a jerk?"

No worries. I've got ya covered. After the jump, I've got the full guide with in-depth analysis that will help you figure out if you are, indeed, a jerk.

Check it out:

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Funhouse: Jan. 13, 2012

It's the first "Friday Funhouse" post of 2012.

A lot has happened since the last time the "Funhouse" convened. 

Here are some key tidbits of "awesome" from the past week:

Thursday, January 12, 2012

TheIsleofMan.Net Interview: 'Michael D. Perkins from The'

Michael D. Perkins is a pastor, a husband and father, writes for and publishes and is also an author. If you missed it, I wrote a review of his latest e-book: "Starting Over: A Manifesto on Being Yourself." You can check out the review HERE. Michael is a really interesting and down-to-earth guy who is very transparent and interested in helping other people grow. He was decent enough to answer a few questions in a recent interview.

Michael didn't tell me this was his favorite interview that he's ever done. He didn't have to.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Isle of Man Movie Review: 'Moneyball'

If you missed the first few movie reviews that I've done, you may be wondering why I'm a reviewing a film that has been out of the theaters for quite a while now.

To briefly summarize: I don't like going to the movie theater. Truthfully, I'm not crazy about going out anywhere if it can be helped.

Call it "social anxiety." Maybe I'm just a jerk. Both are options that I'm willing to explore (or have explored on my behalf).

Either way, I'd rather stay home, sit on my couch and watch movies on my big LCD TV. I don't have to deal with people doing "play-by-play." There are no small children testing the boundaries of my patience. I can pause it whenever I want. 

There are very few movies that can get me to leave the comforts of my cave. This year, "The Avengers" and "The Dark Knight Rises" will cause this to occur. I'll also probably go out and see "The Hobbit" when it comes out later in 2012.   

So that's why I only recently saw "Moneyball." Here's what I thought of it:

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Baby's first heartbeat: The most beautiful sound ever heard

What's that a picture of, you ask?

No, it's not a still shot of a satellite orbiting the moon. It also isn't a screenshot from an old school Atari video game. 

It's my baby. Edit: It's our baby.

See it now? Can you make out the head? How about the feet "buds?"

Last month, we found our that my wife Kim was pregnant with out first child. It blew my mind. Rocked my world. 

But it's all kinda felt "imaginary" and "pretend," that is until last week...when we had our first ultrasound.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Isle of Man Book Review: 'Starting Over: A Manifesto on Being Yourself' by Michael D. Perkins

Michael D. Perkins is a pastor, a husband and a father. He's also the author of the popular blog: The Handwritten 

The Handwritten is not Michael's first stab at blogging. In his first go-round, he had a blog that was widely read and fairly popular, but he wasn't satisfied.

Recently, Michael wrote an e-book that catalogs his quest to find a way to present his heart-felt art in a way that touched people and brought him contentment in ways he had not experienced before as a writer.

The book is called Starting Over: A Manifesto on Being Yourself. It is written in PDF format and is 61 pages long.

It's a light read, but a very enjoyable one.

If you're a blogger, add this to the list of "must-reads" for this year. If you're not a blogger, but you are an artist or creative who seeks to reach the world with a message, you also need to read this book.

Even if you don't fit into either of those categories, I guarantee you will enjoy this book from an inspirational standpoint.

The book is entirely free of charge. All you have to do is visit: and follow the simple steps on the page.

I recommend you do it today!

Follow Michael D. Perkins on Twitter at Check out his blog, "The Handwritten" at

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Three Funny Videos

Here are two videos from BREAK that cracked me up. 

Then there was this gem, a commercial for a new "energy strip" that I saw this week:

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

TheIsleofMan.Net Interview: 'Knox McCoy from'

Knox McCoy is an accomplished writer, husband, father and appreciator of popular culture. If you've not check out his website,, your computer has not properly been used yet. He is the author of the book, "Jesus and the Bachelorette." If you haven't read it, check it out HERE. Knox was kind enough to take time out of his hectic schedule to answer questions about reality TV, the "Kobe vs. Lebron" debate and many other topics that will surely affect your life in a permanent and important manner.

I know, I know. Less talk, more rock.

Here it is.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Why I Love Bigfoot

I've always been fascinated by the unknown. I don't believe in Aliens from outer space. I think there's a logical explanation for UFO sightings.

But there's one thing that will get my attention and keep me tuning in, every time:


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

People Who Don't Have Facebook Profiles

Remember Myspace? Believe it or not, it still exists, but you don't hear it talked about much, these days. How about Friendster? The domain is available if you'd like to purchase it.

Then there was Facebook. 

Facebook is everywhere. It has taken over. It's unavoidable. 

Sort of.

There exists a population of people whose number grows smaller every day. They are like unicorns or leprechauns. An urban myth of sorts. 

Who are these people, you ask?

Non-Facebook users.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Dealing with Post-Holiday Depression

Every year, around this time, it happens.

I get depressed.

Let me back up a few steps and tell you something about me. I LOVE the "Holiday Season." And if you read the last part of that last sentence and said: "But, Kevin. Which Holiday Season are you referring to?" -- shut up. You know exactly which one I mean.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year from The Isle of Man!

Happy New Year! Here's to hoping your 2012 starts well. We'll be back tomorrow with new content. Until then, feel free to leave a comment about your New Year's Eve party, your resolutions for the upcoming year or anything else on your mind.

Fire away!