Is it possible for men and women to be merely platonic acquaintances? Really?
It's a discussion I've had on multiple occasions. People laugh. They cry (okay, not really). Sometimes, they get really upset.
It's a hot-button topic, and it seems that everyone has a fairly strong opinion on the matter.
Whilst cruising Sharideth Smith's blog, "A WOMAN'S GUIDE TO WOMEN: A BLOG FOR MEN," I came across a post that included an interesting video.
I'm openly admitting to stealing from her. But hey, it's for a good cause: I'm sharing it with you.
Your mission is simple: 1) Watch the video (it's not long) and 2) Leave a comment voicing your opinion on the matter.
Keep it clean. No cursing or name-calling (especially "cotton headed ninny muggins"...that's just not cool, man).
Video after the jump:
So, what do you think?