What a gigantic difference one tiny line makes.
On Friday, Dec. 2, 2011, my entire world changed. That was the day that my wife Kim told me that, ready or not, I was going to be a daddy. She was going to be a mommy.
WE...are having a baby.
We both cried. We hugged. We stood on a sidewalk outside of a gymnasium and were totally quiet for several seconds that felt like an eternity.
I don't think I'll ever forget that moment. It was beautiful. It was significant.
It was terrifying.
I don't say that to take any of the shine away. This is amazing. But I'm being honest about what I think every guy must feel when he finds out:
"Am I ready? Can we afford this? Is all our free time about to go away? Will I be a good father? Is this how I'm supposed to feel?"
I wonder how we'll work out childcare. I wonder if I'll be as good a father as my own dad. I wonder if I'm ready.
But you know what? I have to be. In nine to ten months, there will be a new human being in my life who needs me. I'll be more responsible. I'll have more expectations. More will be required of me.
That's the "Type A," "right-brained" part of me speaking. Thankfully, I do have another side.
That other side can't wait to see my baby. My kid. A living, breathing person that I helped create. None of this caught God off-guard. I have a wonderful wife to share this with. She will be an amazing mother. I will be the best father I know how to be. This will make me better.
It has to make me better.
So I wanted to share the news with all of you. I am excited about this. God is good.
"Congratulations" are welcomed.