Thursday, December 29, 2011

Putting the Pessimist to Sleep

Is it half-full or half-empty?

The optimist would say it's half-full. He'd say he was grateful for the water that he did have. He'd say every drop was a blessing and that some people didn't have any water at all.

Not me.

It's something that I've always struggled with. I'm a perfectionist. I'm competitive. I strive to be the very best at everything I do. 

That's not always a good thing.

It's not easy to step back from yourself and really take an honest look.

I'm cynical. I hate every commercial. I don't understand why Justin Bieber or any of the Kardashians are famous. I think "planking" is hugely not-amusing or funny. I think your flat-bill ERA hat with the sticker still on it looks stupid.

Sometimes my skepticism gets a laugh or a new reader. Sometimes it annoys people and gets in the way of relationships.

I'm just being me.

I try to tone it down. I wish I were more "sunshine-and-rainbows." I have a critical spirit. I'm working on it.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings in 2012.

Do you have a negative personality trait that you'd like to tame in 2012?