So I was perusing the interwebs the other night when I noticed a news report, stating that NASA has discovered a new alien planet in a habitable zone.
In laymen's terms: They believe they've found a planet that is not named "Earth" that is capable of sustaining life.
I've always kinda been interested in this sort of thing. I've weirded my wife out multiple times by staying up late and watching cable specials about UFO's and supposed alien sightings.
I don't know what is it that fascinates me about it. Maybe it's the unknown. Either way, it isn't just me. There are thousands upon thousands of websites regarding aliens and UFO's. The television specials just keep coming.
People eat it up.
For me, it isn't even just UFO's. If there's a special on "Bigfoot," I'm all-in. If I happen to flip over to a revealing TV show about the "Lochness Monster," hold all my calls. I'll be busy for the next hour.
It's boring,'s my life.
Do you think there's life on other planets? Do you have any strange obsessions that you're embarrassed to admit?
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