Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Help me name my baby!!

As most of you guys know, my wife Kim and I are having a baby in August.

Like all expecting parents, one of the things we have on our "to do" list is to choose a name for the child to be. What better way for you to get involved in my life than to help me name my baby?

Here's the deal:

For transparency, I have to first admit that we already have a name picked out for a boy. If he is born with outdoor plumbing, his name shall be: "Aidan Robert."

"Aidan" is a great, Irish name that means: "Son of Fire." (How cool is that??)

"Robert" is my dad's name. It's also my middle name.

With that out of the way, I have to at least consider the possibility that we could have a girl. In preparation for this very unlikely possibility, we need to come up with a name.

First, I used BabyNameGenie.com's Baby Name Generator. Here were the top three results:

1 - Sophia Lacey
2 - Bella Faith
3 - Andrea Candace

None of that really strikes my fancy.

Second, I diversified my search by using the "Wu-Tang Name Generator." Here were the top three names that this engine came up with:

1 - Arrogant Ambassador
2 - Quiet Bandit
3 - Scratchin' Conqueror

Hmm. Not sure I'll be able to sell my wife on any of those.

Lastly, I decided to sail the seas of the Pirate Name Generator. Here's what it  gave me:

1 - Cap'n Blaine Bloodbeard
2 - Eel Skin Pablo
3 - Pirate Maurice the Hatless

So, clearly, I just can't use any of that. As a last resort, I watched this video to see if maybe I could find something worth my while:

Thanks boys, but I'm gonna pass.

So now it's up to you, the fair readers.

If we have a girl, what should we name her?