Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Baby's first heartbeat: The most beautiful sound ever heard

What's that a picture of, you ask?

No, it's not a still shot of a satellite orbiting the moon. It also isn't a screenshot from an old school Atari video game. 

It's my baby. Edit: It's our baby.

See it now? Can you make out the head? How about the feet "buds?"

Last month, we found our that my wife Kim was pregnant with out first child. It blew my mind. Rocked my world. 

But it's all kinda felt "imaginary" and "pretend," that is until last week...when we had our first ultrasound.

It was the longest 30 to 40 seconds of my life. We waited as the ultrasound technician poked and prodded and steered the camera around, all the while saying absolutely nothing.

Then, she spoke the words:

"There's your baby."

It was old hat to her. She probably says those words 100 times a day. But it was the top news story in my world. 

Then the ante got upped another notch.

She began to play the heartbeat over the speakers in the small room. I'm a musician. I've heard plenty of metronomes and rhythmic tracks. Nothing like this.

Nothing even close.

It was right then and there that it felt real. As I listened to the sound, I feel like I had the realization for the first time that I had helped create a living, breathing human being -- and it was inside my wife.

What if I mess this up?

What if it's a girl and I scar her for life?

What if it has red hair?

(I kid!!)

Either way, we're doing this.

So what do you think of my kid? He takes after Daddy, no? :)