Monday, January 23, 2012

Why I prefer real books to e-books

I used to read a lot when I was younger, but I stopped.

When I was in High School, getting perfect grades was important to my parents. It was important to me too. I read a lot, but it was because I was forced to.

In college, I experienced a similar "forced labor" of reading.

The combination of all this resulted in my passion for reading being stolen. That is, until recently, when I started reading e-books.

After I discovered Kindle and Nook Books on my smart phone, that became the only way I would read. If it was a real book, I just probably wasn't going to read it.

But I recently had a conversation with a family member that changed my mind completely.

"I just prefer a real book. There's nothing like it. I like the feel of the pages on my fingers. It's just more personal."

That was the conversation that flipped me. That's all I had to hear. She was totally right. So now, I want to try and convert you guys too.

Here is my list of reasons why "real books" are better than "e-books:"

- With an e-reader or smartphone app, I can hold thousands of books in the palm of my hand. Psh! Who wants to do that? If I literally hold thousands of books in the palm of my hand, THINK of how much stronger my wrists are going to be! Want a work-out? Get some real books and go for a walk. 
- When I'm done reading an e-book and want to take a break, the reading device will remember exactly where you are. Which is great -- if you're lazy! Come on! Give me an old school bookmark or a folded up church bulletin to keep my place, any day!  
- If you want to read, but your spouse is sleeping, you can totally read an e-book in bed, right next to them. You can even adjust the backlight so it doesn't disturb them. But you don't want to do that, do you? No way! Take your old school "real book" out to the couch! Read a little, fall asleep on the couch and wake up in the middle of the night, confused by the slobber on the corner of your mouth and the book in the middle of the floor. That's way better! Am I right?? 
- With an e-reader, you merely have to tap the side of the screen when you want to go to the next page. But think about what you're missing! The paper cuts that make your skin calloused and stronger! The constant losing track of what page you were on when you mistakenly lose hold of the page -- instilling patience training that you would have otherwise missed!  
- If you are using a device to read books, you can adjust the size of the text, according to your vision. Again...lazy! Give me some two-dollar Walgreen's glasses and I'm good to go. You wanna adjust the text size? Hold the book closer! Come on, man! 
- When you're done with your current e-book, all you have to do is press a few buttons and -- BOOM! You've got another new book to read, instantly at your disposal. What's the fun in that? Half the joy of reading is the trek to the bookstore, combined with the time spent looking through book after book. Keep your convenience. I want to work for my books!

Just kidding. E-books are way better. It's not even close. Stop being scared of technology. It's awesome. I'm going to check my e-mail, send a text, update my Facebook status and Re-tweet a funny joke. See ya, suckers!

Do you love e-books too, or are you still pretending that real books are better?


  1. I haven't totally switched. I've just stuck my toe in the e-book pool. I'm on my phone or computer so much, I want to take a technology break with a real book.

  2. I liked my e-reader a lot. It was a ton of fun, but problems with the company led to me sending it back. I haven't found another brand yet. I may skip it and just buy a new laptop.

    I love the feel and smell of a real book, but e-books are so much more environmentally friendly. My goal for this year is to buy only used or e-format.  The rotten part is that electronic books are JUST as expensive as their paper counterparts. I find that to be annoying.

  3. No contest!! I'll take the kindle.

  4. Still pretending e-books are better.  i only have an iPhone and it is annoying to constantly be "swishing" the page up and down. I quite reading my bible that way because of it.  Annoying.  Plus I like to underline

  5. I do love my Kindle. 

    But for some reason, the American in me likes having shelves of books. It's like the actual, physical thing itself matters to me. Which is weird, and all the more reason to keep buying e-books, I suppose.

    (Plus, what if the world goes all "Book of Eli" and we don't have electricity? How will I charge my Kindle?! Gotta have some real books so we can make a ridiculous trek to .... oh, wait, that's a spoiler.).

  6. Why would you want to take a break from something so wonderful?!

    I'm kidding...sort of. 

  7. Do you not have a smartphone? Man, I love reading on my phone!

  8. I read The Bible on my smartphone. The app allows you to highlight things, just like you can in a "real" Bible. Just a personal preference thing, I guess.

  9. Yeah, I dunno. I guess I don't get it. Thanks for trying to convince me though. :)

    P.S. If the world goes "all Book of Eli," I'm pretty sure your books being electronic will be very low on your priority list. ha.

  10. For sure. Priority numero uno: get some sunglasses (in which case, it would be even HARDER to read on my non-backlit Kindle!)

  11. I just haven't been able to afford to get a new fangled whatcha got there gadget. LOL Maybe someday....

  12. I love ebooks! I hopped on the craze last november and have read 10 books since then, I am currently finishing The Hunger Games Trilogy! 

  13. That's ok Ann. Maybe one day! If you like to read, an e-reaer will really bless your heart :)

  14. I'm under mandate to get no other books than ebooks. But if it's cheaper in physical format I'm sorely tempted. For instance, why should I pay full price for Ender's Game when I can use my credit at the used book store (yes, Virginia, they still have those).

  15. I don't have a cell phone at all. 

  16. This comment has blown my brain apart. There must be something wrong with my computer, bc it looked like you said you didn't have a cell phone.

  17. My domestic goddess--otherwise known as my wife. ;-)

    I have quite a library, my man.

  18. I used to be in that camp of REAL BOOKS 4EVAR. Then I moved away from home. And I realized I have way too many freaking books to transport from place to place to place. And after getting a Kindle Fire for Christmas, I'll basically never buy an actual three-dimensional book again.

  19. Sounds like you've seen the light. Glory! :)

  20. I like both.  I like to have the convenience of my Kindle on my phone, but I still like to highlight and underline and be able to thumb through the pages and see what I have underlined.  I like to write thoughts on pages, etc. 

  21. Totally respectable. Thanks for stopping by and for commenting Michelle!

  22. I have an e-book reader, iPad, iPhone, and computer. During the day, I rely on my electronic devices, to read the information I need without carrying a ton of books around. I will have to admit, when I am at home, I love to read an actual book. I haven't completely converted to e-reading one hundred percentage of the time. I am with the other party that still likes reading an actual book better than reading with a kindle or iPad.

  23. By the way, how can I re-blog this or can I?

  24. Nothing wrong with dabbling in both worlds. I am probably just too lazy to stick it out with the "real" format anymore. ha.

  25. I have no problem with you "re-blogging." Please just give props and a link back to my site. I'm glad you enjoyed the post!

  26. You had me laughing.  For sure.  I will let you know when I've done it.  THANK YOU!

  27. I have the original Nook which was $250 when it came out and it sucks in comparison to a Kindle Fire... 
    I love it when I am reading a 600 pager and don't have to haul it around. I make up for my limp wrists by countering with a little tennis in 1:1 ratio! Wait I just figured it out. That would be a lot of tennis...Hahaha!

  28. That's some phenomenal math! :)

    I just use my smartphone and the kindle and nook apps. Super convenient. I can essentially read any book whenever I want. 

  29. so true, so real, so raw. 

    the only reason i want real books is to show off. 

  30. Totally. Nothing says: "I'm educated...and sensitive" like a bookshelf full of Nicholas Sparks.

    I I right??

  31. Hmm...

    What about Clay Morgan?

    I hear he's educated, sensitive, has scads of books, and has a pleather reading jacket.

  32. And his apartment smells of mahogany

  33. Haha great argument.
    We just got an e-reader for Christmas and so far I love it.
    The fact that I can highlight things and then grab them all online for notes is AMAZING.

  34. Glad you liked it. One of the reasons I enjoy "e-reading" is for the very reason you mentioned. If I want to copy something I can. I can even use Evernote to save it and then check it on my laptop. Technology is where it's at!

  35. I just got a Kindle for Christmas, and I'm loving it. I do miss bookmarks though. But I have a lot of books...and I wish they were electronic every time I move. They're sooooo heavy.

  36. Hey there!  I re-blogged this post.  Please visit to view post.  Thank you again for letting me do this.  I enjoyed this and thought it is worth sharing to others.  Enjoy your weekend!


  37. This is why I love e-books! Bring em all with you all the time! :)

  38. haha, this is made my day!  I received a Kindle Fire for Christmas and immediately decided that it was a great investment.  Don't get me wrong, I'll always prefer real books, but seriously I live in a tiny one bedroom apartment shared with my boyfriend.  Both of us are avid readers and writers, and I don't think we could actually fit another physical paperback book into our apartment!  Yay for technology!
