Thursday, January 12, 2012

TheIsleofMan.Net Interview: 'Michael D. Perkins from The'

Michael D. Perkins is a pastor, a husband and father, writes for and publishes and is also an author. If you missed it, I wrote a review of his latest e-book: "Starting Over: A Manifesto on Being Yourself." You can check out the review HERE. Michael is a really interesting and down-to-earth guy who is very transparent and interested in helping other people grow. He was decent enough to answer a few questions in a recent interview.

Michael didn't tell me this was his favorite interview that he's ever done. He didn't have to.

Kevin Haggerty
: Michael, thanks for taking a few minutes to answer some questions and hang out with our readers. I appreciate it. I'm certain they will as well!

Michael D. Perkins:  Thanks for having me.  In the words of the great, Knox McCoy, “What's a non-cliche way to say I'm really, really excited to be here?”  But in all seriousness, thanks.

KH: You run and write for a blog called "The Handwritten," but it isn't your first blog. What was the name of the blog you published before "The Handwritten?" Tell us a little about that website.

MDP: My first blog was called "Untitled" By Michael Perkins.  And yes, that was on purpose. The URL was, but the longer I thought about it, I just seemed selfish to name something after myself. (Especially since I have always dealt with pride issues) So I took the title away.

At Untitled, I blogged about, well, whatever I wanted. I was all over the place. But even though I was all over the place, a really nice community developed around it. I think that’s because it was a place people felt safe (if that makes sense).

KH: In your new book, Starting Over: A Manifesto on Being Yourself, you talk about an "aha!' moment of sorts when you realized you needed to start over. To start from scratch. This was what birthed your new blog, "The Handwritten." What was the hardest part of this transition?

MDP:  Oh man, there were several things:  Would I lose all of my readers?  Would I lose all the commenters? What if people think I’m nuts? (I think some do.) 

All those things revolved around my own personal battles with pride and insecurity.

KH: As writers, we love to get positive feedback, but sometimes readers are just ruthless with their critiques. How have you learned to deal with the "haters" and how do you do that?

MDP:  I believe that if you want to make a difference, you will bet criticized.  So you better get used to “haters” and criticism. 

Every day, and not just in writing, I tell myself that people criticize things that they don’t understand and things that make them uncomfortable.  And because of that, I have two options:  become depressed about it or try to bring them along and bridge the gap.

KH: What blogs do you read on a regular basis?

MDP:  Oh man, so many.  But here are a few that I read no matter what:

KH: Has your wife always been supportive of your dream to write? How do you balance your writing with all your other responsibilities?

MDP:  She’s very supportive. April is always encouraging me and pushing me to create bigger and better things. And the one thing about her that I appreciate most is that she’s not afraid to tell me if something really sucks.

KH: Talk about your book a little. For our readers who have no idea about the background or the storyline, what are they in for? Why should they read your book?

MDP: Well, it’s really about two things: Starting over and being true to the voice that God has given you. 

For those of us who struggle with acceptance, it’s easy to water down our art. (And our art can be blogs, writing, painting, cutting hair, etc…) 

Sure, when we water it down, we may receive recognition or maybe even some praise, but you feel empty.  My book is about gaining the courage to walk away from seeking acceptance and start creating things that are important to each of us.

Because I believe when we create things that move us, others will be moved as well.  They can sense and feel your passions.

KH: Let's get personal. If you could eat at any restaurant (fast food or otherwise) and someone else was footing the bill for you, where would you go and what would you order?

MDP: Can it be breakfast?  I would want to go to McDonald’s and get a sausage biscuit with cheese and a coffee. Yeah, I’m a cheap date.

KH: We like pop culture at "The Isle of Man." In keeping with that theme, what is your favorite TV show that is currently on air?

MDP: This is really tough and somewhat embarrassing but it’s a toss-up between three shows: "Swamp People," "Call of the Wildman" and "Storage Wars."

All three are wildly entertaining.

KH: What's your favorite movie of all time? Why?

MDP:  I have two favorites.  (I know that’s literally impossible because I have to like on more than the other)  But I watch two movies all the time, depending on what type of mood I’m in.

"Napoleon Dynamite:"  I watch this movie when I’m down and depressed.  There’s something about stupid, pointless comedy that makes me feel better.

"The Dark Knight:"  I love Batman for many reasons, but I watch "The Dark Knight" when I’m in a creative slump.  The way the movie was shot and all the emotions in the movie really appeal to me.  I literally can watch the movie and come away with different ideas every time.

KH: If you could pick an actor to play you in a movie about your life, who would it be and why?

MDP:  My wife would jokingly say David Hasselhoff because of my big hair.  But I would be really embarrassed if that really happened.

It would have to be Edward Norton.  Why?  Because he’s short and awesome.

KH: Let's do some word association. I give you a name, phrase or title and you tell me the first thing that comes to mind. For instance, if you were to say: "People who drive slow in the left lane," I'd respond with: "The Serenity Prayer." 

Let's get this party started.

Tim Tebow: Winner

Ryan Seacrest: Annoying voice.

Church Denominations: Are good for the Church.

Whoopee Cushions: Good fun. Who doesn’t love fart noises?

Praise & Worship: Is more than just songs. It’s a lifestyle.

LOST: I really need to get Netflix so I can watch everything after season 3.

Planking: Under-rated art

Harry Potter: I hope this doesn’t turn into the Star Wars of My Generation

Mitt Romney: Who’s that?

Lady Gaga: Creative genius. Poor role model.

KH: What's the best advice anyone's ever given you (writing or otherwise)?

MDP:  My friend @herbhalstead told me to “Choose up.” 

I think that’s pretty solid.  There will be days that suck. There will be days when things don’t go our way.  And most of the time, those things are out of our control.  But we can choose how we respond and react.  Choosing up means looking up to Him and knowing it will all work out.

KH: If you could give any advice to someone who's just getting started as a blogger, what would it be?

MDP:  Be yourself.  Cheesy right?  But it’s the truth.

If you spend your time trying to be someone else, you will make yourself miserable and you will probably quit.  So what write/blog about things that are important to you.

KH: Thank you so much again for your time and candid answers!

MDP:  Thanks for having me.  I had a lot of fun.

Be sure to check out Michael's website,, HERE. You can follow Michael on Twitter HERE.


  1. Great interview - thanks for sharing it Kevin.

    Oh and before I forget - "Thanks" Michael for the mention! I am honored!  I can honestly say that I have seen Michael grow in Christ over the years I have gotten to know him.  I am excited for how God is using him and how he is using his book.

  2. Thanks Jim. Appreciate the comment and you taking the time to read the interview!

  3. Not a problem - I noticed we do not live too far from each other.  

  4. Very cool. I hadn't noticed but do now. You're from Sedley? That's somewhere around Suffolk, no?

  5. A man who gives breakfast its due reverence: I respect that, Michael.

  6. Well, it is the most important meal of the day.

  7. I had privately wondered if this interview would be all in ink.  Cool that you chose to stick the the isle feel :)
    I love the authenticity of The Handwritten, and I like that this same "realness" was evident in the interview.
    PS- Swamp people- love that... who can resist getting sucked in to that show?

  8. Definitely appreciate the list of blogs - I love reading new stuff!

  9. Trust me I tried to handwrite it all, but my hand got I typed it.

    Really appreciate the interview. 

    I wish I still had the songify song my wife and I made called "Get Dem Gators". It was epic.

  10. I keeps it real. Michael keeps it real, also. Real glad you liked the interview. :)

  11. Isn't it great? Fire up the Google Reader!

  12. Your brother bribed, I mean, told me about your interview with Michael, Kevin.  Over the past couple of years I have known him, I have really grown to love him and his openness.  thanks for the interview...although he really should change his favorite shows and movies.  :)

  13. lol. What's wrong with my viewing choices?

  14. Glad you enjoyed the interview Bill. Sweet avatar by the way. ;)

  15. Reverence is a strong word. I think Michael just said he liked sausage biscuits. :)

  16. Thanks Ngina. I appreciate you stopping by!

  17. It is about 30 minutes from Suffolk - if you know where the Virginia Diner is on 460 - I live not too far from there.

  18. Napoleon Dynamite?  i will grant you Dark Knight deserves a vote but ND?  I reckon to each his own.  LOL  I go for the more serious ones: Back to the Future, Lord of the Rings, etc.  :)  As for the shows, i am far too serious of a guy, too devoted to God, to spend my time with Swamp People & Storage Wars. I go for more intellectual ones like NCIS and People of Interest.  LOL  Love you man!

  19. Thanks kevin. One of the guys in the church did that.

  20. now you are going to give him a big head and he won't be that humble LA pastor/creative we know and love.  :)

  21. Straight up Michael is one of the best around. It literally makes my day to see a comment from him on my blog. His fresh take on scripture is so refreshing. His blog is one of my favorites. Great interview.

  22. Good deal. Well, hey it's nice to meet ya Jim!

  23. Totally awesome interview! Michael is a standup guy all around. Not many folks know this, but in addition to all he's got going on, Michael donated his time to set up the fly design on my blog. Yeah, the pictures kinda suck, but the layout, the colors, are all Michael's work. He did me right! And he's always been there when I've had a question.

    Mike: you da man!
