Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Week in Review: Jan. 16, 2012

Look, I'm gonna be honest. It's my preference that you check in with TheIsleOfMan.Net on a daily basis. It would make my world better if you followed me on Twitter and subscribed to the blog so you received updates.

But you're too important for that. It's cool. I get it and I forgive you.

Here's what you missed:

And if you're yearning for new content that isn't recycled, check out this video after the jump:

If this were my son, I think I might drive him into a dangerous neighborhood, drop him off with a Swiss army knife and a roll of duct tape and then leave his destiny up to God.

Those things have a way of working themselves out.

What was you favorite post from this past week? Want to pimp your own blog? Go head. Link it up in the comments section!