Monday, January 2, 2012

Dealing with Post-Holiday Depression

Every year, around this time, it happens.

I get depressed.

Let me back up a few steps and tell you something about me. I LOVE the "Holiday Season." And if you read the last part of that last sentence and said: "But, Kevin. Which Holiday Season are you referring to?" -- shut up. You know exactly which one I mean.

As soon as Halloween is a wrap and in the books, I start to get excited. My "Thanksgiving" antennae goes up. I begin to anticipate the family get-togethers, the football, the turkey...the whole kit-and-caboodle.

Once Thanskgiving is done, that means I get to put up Christmas decorations and start to play Christmas music. It means I get to do my Christmas shopping (I'm weird that way. I like to give gifts). As a teacher, it means I have a two week vacation coming up.

When Christmas Day has come and gone, I still have a little bit to look forward to. There's New Year's Eve. We have family over. We eat terrible junk food that will either constipate us or totally clean us out (I like to be surprised). We stay up late. We watch the ball drop and blow noisemakers.

Today (Jan. 2) is my birthday (feel free to give me a present...I'm not too proud to accept donations). It's usually not a huge deal, because it's so close to other holidays, but it's really one more day to keep the good times rolling.

After that? A big fat, healthy portion of "nothing."

It means there are no real holidays to look forward to until Valentine's Day, and let's be serious, that is not a holiday for dudes. It might as well be called "Wife and Girlfriend Appreciation Day."

It means school is back in session.

It means another year is about to get underway and it's time to get serious. Who wants to get serious? I just wanna lay on the couch and eat another leftover turkey sandwich.

So I get depressed. 

I'll get over it. I'm a grown man. I'll move past this, but hey, you guys are my friends. We're honest with each other, right? I'm being vulnerable.

Your turn.

Do you suffer from Post-Holiday Depression? Tell me about it.