ABC has a television show that you may be aware of called "What Would You Do?" It's hosted by John Quinones, and is essentially a human behavior study, caught on film.
The premise is simple. Quinones and his crew "stage" events, using actors in public places. The events are all meant to test average, every day citizens and to see if they have the character to "do the right thing" when it's uncomfortable to do so in a social setting.
Kim and I were watching a few episodes last night on Hulu Plus (uh-mazing!) and it got me thinking about how I would actually respond to some of the situations. It was truly an intrinsic moral dilemma. I'd like to think I'd do the right thing. But I dunno. I can be a wimp sometimes. Can't we all?
So I decided to bring you along for the ride. After the jump, I've posted several video excerpts from the show. I want you to watch the videos, take a few minutes to reflect, then honestly answer in the comment section with how you would respond if you were placed these situations.
I'm challenging you. Be real.