Wednesday, August 1, 2012

She's Going the Distance: Approaching Pregnancy's Finish Line

That's my wife Kim, every bit of 38 weeks pregnant.

We've made it thus far, and she's been a total trooper. She's made it through the majority of the journey, and the light at the end of the tunnel is approaching.

We can see it. We can sense it. It feels so close but also far away.

With a due date of August 12, out first son, Aidan Robert Haggerty, has reached a point in his quest to enter the world where he could literally come any day now.

We're ready for him -- as ready as we can be. The nursery is painted. The crib is up. The rocking chair and nursing stool are in place. The baby monitor has been hung and tested (at great lengths).

As an "almost daddy," I feel a mixed sense of nervousness and excitement. It's totally crazy. But it's totally awesome.

I can't wait to hold him. I can't wait to show you guys how beautiful he is.

Two final things.

First, I've asked a good deal of friends to help me out with guest posts for me to use for the period of time that we will be busy either delivering a baby or recovering from that process. A good many of them obliged, and I'm excited to post them for you soon.

If I didn't ask you to guest post, and that's something you'd be interested in, shoot me an email. I'd love to host your words on my site.

Second, the All-Star Blogging Challenge is still going on at I'd still love it if you went over and voted for Team Ricky and continued to encourage your friends to do the same. Thanks for that.

On a totally unrelated sidenote...

What's been your favorite part of the Olympics, so far?