Tuesday, July 31, 2012

More Blogging Olympics - Plus a Breaking Bad Recap

Artwork by Wes Molebash

Yesterday, I made you guys aware of a competition going on at RobShep.com that I'm involved in called the Blogging All-Star Challenge.

So far, the race is neck-and-neck. Many of you have voted already, but we still need your help.

If you haven't voted yet, you can go cast your vote for Team Ricky HERE. If you have already voted, first off, thank you. Second, we can still use your help as you try and rally as much support from your friends and cyberbuddies on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest and any other internet domain where you spend time socializing.

For crying out loud. Rob has Jon Acuff on his squad. Are you kidding me? That guy can tweet about a booger he picked that looks like Elvis and get 40 million retweets! There's no way this competition should be close...but it totally is, and it's because you guys are awesome.

So keep up the good work, and remember, it's not over until the end of the week.

As a quick aside, I wanted to remind you guys to check out my weekly recap of the latest episode of Breaking Bad -- here.

To inspire you to keep chugging along and to evoke a bit of laughter, here's an incredible video put together by fellow Team Ricky member Tor Constantino: