Monday, July 30, 2012

The Blogging All-Star Challenge

Ricky vs. Rob: The Epic Battle of the Century...or at least this week.

A few weeks ago, Ricky Anderson emailed me to inform me he'd picked me for his All-Star team. I dusted off the cleats and found my old glove, just in time to find out that we were not going to be playing softball (much to my dismay), but instead, we were going to be taking part in an online popularity contest.

Here's the deal.

Rob Shepherd and Ricky have both selected a list of their favorite bloggers on the whole wide world webernets.

It should be noted that Ricky, a guy I just met on the internet a few months ago and have never met in person, picked me. Rob, a guy who I have personally known for over 18 years, did not. I'm not bitter about that. Not at all.

Moving right along.
In addition to choosing me, Ricky also selected the following bright and beautiful bloggers:

So, why am I bugging you with all this? It's simple. I need your help.

I know, I know. I'm so needy.

But, really, the favor I'm asking is not a big one. I promise. All you need to do is go over to Rob's site (HERE) and vote for me and Team Ricky.

You can also spread the word on Twitter and on Facebook.

The competition lasts all week, so if you can all do your part, just a little bit, every day, it would mean a lot to me.