Thursday, May 31, 2012

Guest Post for "A Powerful Gift"

Today, I'm guest-posting at, a site run by my friend Ed Cyzewski. Ed runs a series of posts that revolve around the concept of "Belonging in the Church."

Ed was kind enough to share his platform with me, as I posted a bit about my background as a worship leader. Here's a snippet of the post:

When you have a talent and you go to church, people are going to find out. It doesn’t matter how hard you try to “hide your candle under a bushel,” if you can speak, teach or are particularly gifted in the passing of offering plates, this is knowledge that will somehow, magically make its way up the leadership flagpole. 
Moreover, if you are a musician, this is information that will be even more valuable. If you can strum a guitar, hold down a steady beat on the drums, tickle the ivory during the offertory or are able to sing on key, you will be found out.