Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lost in Yosemite: A Guest-Post for

Photo by Flickr user Queenofthelibrary

Today, I'm guest-posting on the blog of my friend Thomas Mark Zuniga. Tom asked me, a while back, if I could write a guest-post on the topic of 'wandering,' which he, ironically, planned to run during a long cross-country trip he would be taking (which he is currently in the middle of). 

Here's an excerpt from my guest-post, titled: "Lost in Yosemite:"

By the time I knew it, I had no idea where I was. The campsites ran together and started looking the same. I tried to retrace my steps (or pedals), but it only got me more and more lost. 
Eventually, it got to the point where I had no idea where I was. It was getting dark. I was just a kid. Every possible worst case scenario started running through my mind. 
My parents wouldn’t be able to find me. They’d be worried. Maybe I wouldn’t get back in time and they’d leave me in Yosemite.

Check out the rest of post HERE!