Have you ever read something that made you feel like the "Tasmanian Devil" inside?
It might be a news article, a Facebook post, a Tweet or a text from an acquaintance. But, regardless of the source, it's something that touches a nerve with you, to your very core. It draws an instant emotional response and makes you want to get on a rooftop and shout how you feel.
I felt that way earlier this week, when I read a blog post about worship.
Allow me to back up a step and explain to you why this is a subject so near and dear to my heart. I learned to play guitar when I was 14 years old. A couple years later, I started leading worship for my high school youth group. I've been leading ever since.I've led small groups, large churches...you name it. I don't brag about it, but I claim it as an anointing I take very seriously. "Praise and Worship" is my heart, and it is a topic that resonates deeply within me.
But why am I so passionate about it? It's just music, right?
Wrong. A million times, wrong.
I've seen worship music impact lives in ways they may have never been impacted from hearing a sermon or being witnessed to by friends or family. Don't get me wrong. I'm not demeaning either of those methods of pouring into lives and hearts. But it isn't the same.
Music is intimate. It communicates on a different wavelength. It has the power to heal. God uses music in a powerful way. I believe it's why the Bible references music so frequently.
During my 16-plus years leading worship, I've come across a certain segment of the Christian population that has irked me in a way I may never get over.
I was reminded of this group of dissenters when I read this blog post.
The reason I can't get past it isn't a matter of taste or preference. It's not just a matter of not caring for them as people.
The reason is because they believed a lie from Satan that has infected the Lord's church and His body of believers for many years. It hurts the church. It's bad P.R. for the name of Jesus. Worst of all -- It keeps unbelievers away.
Here is the lie: Worship music should only be comprised of hymns, should never be loud or boisterous and should certainly never include drums or distortion.
The root of this line of "thinking" (and I use that word very loosely) is the belief that "Rock Music" causes people to be sexually aroused and that praise music should not share the same context.
Are you freaking kidding me? Look, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be crass here, but if music arouses you, you have way bigger issues than people playing drums in church.
Furthermore, the Bible ABOUNDS with passages about God's people rejoicing with dancing and playing loud music with all sorts of different instruments.
If it's sinful to worship with drums and stringed instruments, then the Lord has encouraged His people to sin on many occasions.
Until recently, this lie from the pits of Hell has done well to stay hidden in the bowels of the church. Unfortunately, it's come to my attention that this movement is gaining traction, and it is even doing so with younger Christians who profess to follow this line of thinking out of respect for Scripture.
It is a Pharisaical self-righteousness. It's a new circumcision. I cannot help but reflect on the scriptural passage in Galatians 5:12 where the Apostle Paul said:
"As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!" (NIV)The point is this: There are believers who could sing hymns all day, every day and not be moved as much as they could by singing one praise song by Hillsong.
I'm excited about Jesus and what He's done for me. My worship reflects that. If you don't like Hillsong or "upbeat worship," that's fine. Find a church that only plays hymns. There are plenty.
In the meantime, get off your soapbox and stop stirring up dissension in the body of Christ.
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