Friday, March 30, 2012

Caption Contest Winner; Plus an interview...sort of

This guy won something. This post is about an award winner. Get it?

Hey guys! Hope you're having an excellent Friday thus far and winding your way down to a well deserved weeekend!

I'm foregoing the "Friday Funhouse" this week, in lieu of a couple other items of business I needed to get to. No worries. It will be back next week, loud and proud.

So, here are the important topics to attend to:

1) Yesterday, we had our very first caption contest, ever. It could hardly have gone any better. You guys threw out all kinds of awesome entries, and I gotta tell ya...picking a winner was hard! But, I had to choose someone to stand at the top of the rubble when it was all said and done, so I did.

The winner is.... ::DRUMROLL::


Karen Joyce Davis!

Congrats, Karen. Shoot me an email and I will put you in touch with the kind folks at Mend Mark so you can collect your prize.

To everyone else: You were very funny. Train hard in the offseason. Don't let this break your spirit. [insert motivational sports analogy here.]

2) Ricky Anderson interviewed me...sort of. He's running it today on his site, RickyAnderson.Net. I'd say you have to read it to understand it, but I just read it, and I'm still not sure if I do. At any rate, you can check it out here.

Have a great weekend!