It's that time of the year again! The time when men go into their caves and watch hours of basketball between teams and players they haven't seen all year, while pretending to be experts on it all. The time when women wonder why they didn't marry that effeminate guy from high school who used to always notice when she got her hair cut or had recently purchased new shoes.
Last night, the NCAA Men's Basketball tournament brackets came out, meaning that the office pools and armchair analysts will soon be in full bloom.
We got ya covered.
After the jump, I'll detail the rules and expectations for the "2012 Isle of Men March Madness Bracket Challenge:"
Here's the deal. All you have to do is go HERE, print out the bracket, then fill it out with your predictions. When you're done, take a picture of your bracket with your smart phone or scan it and send the file to:
kevinrhaggerty AT yahoo DOT com
After you e-mail me, leave a comment in the comment section of this blog post so I know to be on the lookout for your entry. Be sure to write your name on the bracket, so we know that it is your entry. Any creative doodles are not only allowed, they're straight up encouraged. The deadline to get me your brackets is Tuesday, March 13 at 6:40 pm ET.
After I receive all the entries, I will post them as a collage for one big blog post, so that we can all keep track of how everyone is doing.
If you just can't wait for the blog post to go up, you can also feel free to post your bracket photo on the "IsleofMan.Net" Facebook Fan Page...HERE.
Before you fill out your entry, here's some "watered down" knowledge for those who have either never filled out a bracket before, or who just have very little idea what they're doing:
- You don't have to be an expert to do this. In fact, it may work out better if you're not. Every year, it seems like the winner of the bracket competitions I'm involved in is someone who has very little sports knowledge and just did it for fun.
- Make sure you're putting your winners on the right lines. I know it sounds trivial, but I'd hate for you to waste a lot of time doing the whole thing wrong. If you're totally in the dark, Google is your friend.
- The teams are ranked 1-16, in order of best to least. A #1 seed is the best. Sixteen is worst. A 16-seed as never beat a 1-seed in the history of the tournament. This year won't be the first time. I promise.
- Every year, at least one 12-seed has upset a 5-seed. You should pick at least one "12-5" upset...just don't pick them all.
That's pretty much all I'm going to say. Do what you want. If you wanna do hours of research and read all Joe Lunardi's blog posts, do it. If you wanna pick based on the attractiveness of the uniforms, that's fine too.
If you win, I will post a blog entry that will remain frontpaged for an entire day, dedicated to you and your victory. I'll post a picture of you holding up your bracket and telling everyone how awesome you are.
You can't beat that.
So what are you waiting for? Get busy on those brackets!!!
**UPDATE: I'm getting some push back on the whole having to print out the brackets deal. If you want to just fill out the bracket online and take a picture of your computer screen, that's fine too. You don't have to print it out. Just get me a screen shot of your bracket! Hurry guys, I need them by Tuesday night at 6:40 p.m. ET!!!**
In the meantime, tell us in the comment section who you think will win it all!