Monday, February 27, 2012

We're Having a Boy!

That's right. We found out the gender of our baby. It's a boy!

On Saturday, we went to get a 3-D Ultrasound done. This was amazing, because they place the images on a large LCD flat screen TV in a room large enough for everyone to see. We brought all our immediate family to experience it together.

It took a while, as our baby did not want to cooperate at first. The umbilical cord was in between his legs at first. Finally, he rolled over, the cord moved and we saw the news:


That's all she typed on the screen as she drew an arrow to his "plumbing." It's such a small word (and such a small amount of plumbing), but it had such an impact.

I would have been happy either way. That's the truth. I just wanted the baby to have all its appendages and organs and be healthy.

But there's something special about a man having a son. I'm going to teach him to shoot a basketball, throw a baseball,a football and a punch, swing a golf club, hold a door for a lady and just be man, in general.

I teared up a little. My father and father-in-law teared up a lot.

It was a special day. I cannot wait to meet him.

Aidan Robert Haggerty: We're expecting you on August 12. You, sir, will be loved.  

Check out some more pictures of my baby boy!

Just chillin'
I swear he's smiling here!
He's totally waving. You know he is.

What do you think? He's got his daddy's nose, right?