Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Three things that I love

In order for us all to get to know each other a little better, we're going to name three things that we love. It can be anything, but no people. No boyfriends or girlfriends. No spouses. We'll do that list another day. Besides, your loved ones deserve better than to be referred to as "things."

I'll go first.


I start every morning with one. If I don't get a chance to "do the dew," I get withdrawal headaches. It's crazy. It just gives me that "oomph!" that I need to get my day started. I'm not a morning person. This helps.


This is probably even more unusual than the diet soda. The weird thing is that it isn't even about having good breath. Don't get me wrong, I have good breath as a bi-product, but that's not why I love these little suckers (pun intended). It's just sort've a nervous habit. I almost always have a pack in my pocket. Some people smoke. I use icebreakers.


I love Chick-Fil-A. I don't get it often, because I know it's ultimately bad for me and I basically don't have a metabolism. When I do eat at the "Mecca of Fast Food," I get the same thing every time, with no variance: A "Number-One Combo Meal" with the sandwich on a wheat bun and Coke Zero to drink. Seriously. I'm painfully boring. What do you want me to do? I like what I like.

Ok. Now it's your turn. It's simple. In the comment section, name three things that you love. Be as in-depth as you want. 
