I'll go first.
I start every morning with one. If I don't get a chance to "do the dew," I get withdrawal headaches. It's crazy. It just gives me that "oomph!" that I need to get my day started. I'm not a morning person. This helps.
This is probably even more unusual than the diet soda. The weird thing is that it isn't even about having good breath. Don't get me wrong, I have good breath as a bi-product, but that's not why I love these little suckers (pun intended). It's just sort've a nervous habit. I almost always have a pack in my pocket. Some people smoke. I use icebreakers.
I love Chick-Fil-A. I don't get it often, because I know it's ultimately bad for me and I basically don't have a metabolism. When I do eat at the "Mecca of Fast Food," I get the same thing every time, with no variance: A "Number-One Combo Meal" with the sandwich on a wheat bun and Coke Zero to drink. Seriously. I'm painfully boring. What do you want me to do? I like what I like.
Ok. Now it's your turn. It's simple. In the comment section, name three things that you love. Be as in-depth as you want.