Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Satan Never Takes a Vacation

Everything was going great.

Honestly, everything still is. Within the past few weeks, I picked up several web design clients. I picked up a part time job working with people I love and doing things I enjoy. I have a wife, a baby and a house I love. I don't skip meals (as evidenced by the growing tightness of all of my clothes).

But today has sucked.

It shouldn't have. I should be happy. My wife and son are off on a play date, so I should be being productive and kicking life's behind.

But I'm not.

I had to take the trash out in the rain. The weather sucks. It's been raining for three days and I'm over it. I'm tired, because the previous three days have just bulldozed me, and I've had little to no breaks since Saturday.

I also now have a couple of clients who are doing what they do best and are being finicky about "sealing the deal" to use me as their web designer. I should deal with it better, but when potential clients do this kind of stuff, I want to call them and tell them I have an overdue mortgage and a baby boy to feed. People are selfish and think the world revolves around them. I'm sure of it.

(Sidenote: No, the fact that this little rant is fairly self-involved is not lost on me.)

I have a "to do list" that I don't think will get done. I'm overwhelmed.

The Christmas decorations need to be put away. The towel rack in the bathroom STILL needs to be fixed. I have paperwork to fill out. Phone calls to make. Bills to pay.

I feel like I'm tied to 15 different horses, and it's just a matter of time before something spooks them and I'm ripped into pieces.

So, I've been less productive today than I should have been. That's not to say I've done nothing. I've done a lot. But not enough.

And I don't want to do anything.

I want to turn off all the lights, silence my phone, lay down on the couch under a blanket and watch movies all day.

Satan doesn't take vacations.

He seeks to devour and destroy us. He knows I was happy. He senses the awesome way God has been and is still moving in our lives. If he can get me to be depressed and despondent, he wins.

And I lose.

So, I'm not going to let that happen. But I am going to sit here for a few minutes longer before I really kick it into gear.

I might even watch a movie.

Author's note: Posts like these can come off as pandering. Specifically, pandering for encouragement. Totally not the case. Me writing this post was my "pick me up." I only hope that posts like these radiate with you in a way that shows you you're not alone. WE'RE not alone. We all feel this way. We all have to get up.