Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My Jesus Year

A month ago, I saw one of my friends on Facebook post that it was officially the beginning of her "Jesus Year." I had no idea what she was talking about.

Apparently, she was turning 33, and what she meant was that there was a certain amount of weight related to her newly turned age.

That's because Jesus Christ only lived to be 33 years old, as a man, on Earth. During that year, He performed crazy miracles, touched thousands upon thousands, and was eventually crucified for the sins of the world.

Not too shabby.

Today, I'm turning 33. It's weird. But, I'm pretty happy. I'm married to my best friend, and after being married for over three years, she still likes me, for some reason. I have a baby boy who makes me so proud I could explode. I own a house. I'm involved in a church that lives out the gospel in a way I've never experienced in my life.

God has blessed me and my family in amazing ways.

I could never live up to what Jesus did in the 33rd year of His life. It just isn't possible, but I am going to do my best to live up to who He wants me to be -- who He created me to be.

I will be accepting Happy Birthday wishes, charitable donations, and/or balloons.

Happy Birthday to me!