Monday, December 10, 2012

Book Review Monday!

I've been a bad friend.

That's because three of my good friends have recently written books, and I've done little to help in the promotion of said pieces of genius literature.

So, I'm hoping to make up for that today, and I'm hoping you guys will you do your parts in also spreading the word, plus buying all three books, if that's possible.

First off, Bryan Allain recently wrote a book called Actually, Clams Are Miserable. The book is insanely clever, and if you're not smart, you won't like it.

"Clams" takes 101 ridiculous old cliches to task and picks them apart in a very funny way. It's a silly, lighthearted book, and it isn't like any of Bryan's other books. It's straight humor, but I really think you'll love it. I did.

It's a great book, and you can pick it up for only $4.99, HERE.

Here's where I need to be honest. I haven't had a chance to read the next two books. Life has really taken a dump on me within the past month. It's cool, but I haven't had a lot of time to read. I plan on reading them ASAP, but for disclosure purposes, I needed to be honest about this fact.

With that said, my friends Shawn Smucker and Ed Cyzewski are both quality dudes and amazing authors. I enjoy everything they write, so I have no reason to believe their latest offerings are not sensational.

Shawn's new book, How to Use a Runaway Truck Ramp: And Other Tales From Our 10,000-Mile Adventure, which tells the story of Shawn's recent cross-country voyage with his wife, four kids and a bus named Willie.

It releases TODAY, and you can buy it HERE! It would make a great Christmas present for basically anyone in your life! Buy it today!

Last, but certainly not least, Ed Cyzewski's new book, Creating Space: The Case for Everyday Creativity, is available for a mere 99 cents! Are you kidding me?? 99 cents?!

The book is a "manifesto on creativity" and will be an encouragement, as is everything Ed puts to pen. I don't care how broke you are, you won't miss 99 cents, but you will miss out on a great blessing if you pass on Ed's book!

Buy it HERE!

Got anything you want to plug?