Due to our circumstances, we've had to do things we never wanted to do, namely, taking government assistance in multiple fashions (Food Stamps, WIC, Healthcare).
It is what it is. I can be embarrassed or bent out of a shape about it, if I choose to be. But, I can tell you one thing I won't be, and that's ungrateful.
It is humbling to have to get help from organizations. But I'm thankful the opportunities exist. I'm grateful for the volunteers and social services workers who have patiently answered questions and are actively helping us get back on our feet.
So, it blows my mind, when I see people who exhibit the exact opposite attitude.
Every time I go into the Social Services office, or any other government assistance location, I encounter groups of people who are rude to the staff and just nasty, in general.
I suppose life has made them jaded.
I don't want on hate on them. I know their unruliness comes from a place of hurt, but I just can't agree with that kind of behavior. The government doesn't owe me anything. The Social Services workers don't either.
I have vowed to not let this experience make me a bitter or nasty person. I plan on sticking to that.
You might not be on Food Stamps. You might not be in any kind of major need. Regardless, you will have an opportunity to say thank you to someone today.
Don't forget to say THANK YOU!