Monday, November 19, 2012

Bearded Bloggers Update: Week 3

Three weeks and counting, people.

That's how long it's been since a razor hath touched my face. No, I haven't taken a Nazarite vow. I'm involved with a group of awesome gents called the "Bearded Bloggers," and we're raising money for Charity Water, a foundation that helps provide clean drinking water to developing nations.

Our goal was to raise $1000 by the end of the November. It seemed ambitious, but we've already passed the halfway mark, raising $565, as of today (Nov. 19, 2012).

It would be really awesome if we could get to $600 by the end of the day. If you all give $1, we can do that and then some.

Just click HERE to make a tiny donation. Every little bit helps, and you can do it anonymously, if you so choose.

Do it now!