Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Celebrating Christmas Too Early

I'm a complete and utter nerd about Christmas. Seriously, it's a little out of control.

Every year, I go nuts with decorations. It borders on "Clark Griswald from National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation."

I love Christmas music. When the season comes, it's all I listen to. And it doesn't matter if it's even good. I would never listen to Kenny G, but if he's blowing out some "Silver Bells," I'm all in.

Christmas movies are a big deal with me, too. I watch them all. Every year, there are four or five of them that I absolutely have to watch before Christmas morning.

I love buying and giving Christmas presents. I don't hate getting them, but I've always enjoyed giving them so much more.

With all that said, you'd think I'd be a huge proponent of getting into the swing of the season as soon as possible, right?

Not so much.

Here's why.

If every day was Christmas, it wouldn't mean as much. If we kept up the decorations all year long, they wouldn't be special decor, they'd just be the background.

So, it bugs me to see it started earlier and earlier every year.

I've noticed, recently, that people have been putting up their Christmas trees and lights, etc., and posting it all over Facebook and Twitter. I just don't get it.

For me, it's always been the day after Thanksgiving. After that -- game on. But I want the Christmas holiday to have its own season. I don't want it to share facetime with Thanksgiving and Halloween.

But maybe that's just me.

When do you think it's okay to start celebrating Christmas?