Monday, November 12, 2012

Bearded Bloggers Update: Week 2

That's me. Two weeks into "No Shave November." It itches. I'm not to the embarrassing "getting crap stuck in my beard" phase yet, but we're getting close.

I can feel it.

I probably would have shaved it by now, but every time my shaving hand (is that a real thing?) gets itchy, I remind myself that this is for a good cause.

If you're new here, or you forgot, that good cause is Charity Water, a foundation that raises money to provide clean drinking water for people in developing countries.

Our goal is to raise $1000 by the end of November. It's looking good. At the times this post is being written, we've raised $565, so we're more than 50-percent of the way there (hooray, math!).

Here's the danger.

Because we've done so well, so fast, we run the risk of getting complacent. It's been four days since anyone has given a dime to the campaign. That's too long.

So, I need you guys to help in the following ways:

1) Give a few dollars. Seriously. Give five bucks. You won't even miss it, and every little bit helps.

2) Share this with as many friends as possible. At the bottom of all of my posts are SHARE buttons. Share it on Twitter and on Facebook. Email this link to friends who you think might give a couple bucks.

If we could get this knocked out BEFORE the end of the month, I'd be super excited. Why should we settle for $1000? We can do more if we put our minds to it.

So far, a few of you have really gotten behind this, but I'm humbly asking the rest of you to do your part. Help me do this. Just give a few bucks and get your friends to do the same.