Thursday, October 25, 2012

Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose

"Anger, fear, aggression...the dark side are they. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny."

If you're awesome, you recognize that as being a quote from one of the wisest movie characters of all time, none other than Yoda himself.

Whether you dig Star Wars or not, you have to admit -- he had a point.

Anger, fear and aggression will do nothing good for you, specifically when they are working together. And I think it's interesting that they would be grouped together in this particular quote.

Very seldom does anger motivate us to do good. Jesus was motivated by righteous anger on several occasions, and in His anger, He did not sin.

I know I can't say the same of myself.

Michael Jordan was one of few basketball players who seemed to play better angry. When a player (or a New York Knicks mega-fan and filmmaker) started to talk trash, "His Airness" turned his game up a notch and went into "Killer Mode."

It was never a good idea to make Michael angry. But that isn't the case for most basketball players or athletes, in general. Most athletes do their utmost to keep a clear head, devoid of emotion.

Anger only clouds your judgement. 

It's a sentiment that is true both on and off the court. When anger, fear and aggression are driving us, we almost never end up where we were supposed to be.

I battle with anger. I struggle with hidden fear. I let my aggression have the steering wheel of my life WAY too often.

I bet you do too, if you're honest enough to admit it.

But you can't let yourself go there. Life can be really unfair. People can be horrible. Friends will betray you. Your family might even forget your birthday.

Don't let the bitterness overtake you. I'm preaching to myself, but I know some of you need this too. When you feel it coming into your heart, reject it.

Because it becomes a habit. The darkness starts to spread, and before you know it, nobody wants to hang out with you anymore.

Don't go to "the dark side" today. Someone will cut you off in traffic. Someone will say something that ticks you off. You will have a break go against you, and it will frustrate you.

But, today, you're going to be bigger than that.

Brush your shoulders off ... Jedi.