Monday, August 27, 2012

Chad Gibbs' "Love Thy Rival" - Plus - a Plug for Charitable Giving

I first met Chad Gibbs a few months ago. He was a mutual acquaintance, and he commented on of my blog posts, so I checked out his site and his writing, in general.

I loved it. All of it.

Chad is a great writer, and this is evidenced in his latest book about sports rivalries. It's called Love Thy Rival, and you can buy the paperback version HERE. Buy the Kindle version of his book HERE. Either way, just buy it...okay?

If you're still not sold, click the Kindle link I provided. If you click on the image of the book, you will be able to read a sample passage of the book. After you do that, you'll buy it, for sure.

Otherwise, you're dead to me.

That's not true.

But buy it, ok?

One more thing. Chad is also raising money for an awesome organization called Samaritan's Purse. He's set it up so fans of sports rivalries can try and outgive each other, for a good cause. It's a really cool idea, and you can find out more about it HERE.