Monday, June 25, 2012

A Reflection on 33 Weeks of Pregnancy (VIDEO)

Photo by Megan Smith

Kim is starting week 34 of her pregnancy. It's the last leg of the race. It could happen in six weeks, it could happen tomorrow.

And yet, I'm astonished that it's gone this fast.

I remember the day she showed me the positive pregnancy test. I remember the first doctor visit where we heard the heartbeat, and it became real to me for the first time. I remember when I first started noticing the changes to Kim's body.

And in the blink of an eye, it's almost over. He's almost here, and I don't know where the time went.

I wanted to do something to commemorate the journey, so I put together a slideshow, cataloging each step of the way.

This is more of a surprise for my wife, but I decided to let you all in to the exclusive party and see it too. Why not? You've shared all the rest of it with me, right? You've all kind of become like a second family.

You're my internet family.

So here it is. It's unlikely to win any awards. It's not professionally done. It was a labor of love that took me hours.

It's 33 weeks condensed into five minutes and 23 seconds.
