Sunday, May 13, 2012

Monday, How I Loathe Thee

It's Sunday night as I'm sitting here writing this. I had a pretty good day. It was a pretty solid weekend. But I'm really bummed right now. Why, you ask?

Because tomorrow is Monday.

I dread Mondays. I hate that I'm going to have to wake up early and make a 45 minute commute. I'll probably go through the motions till lunch time and will be looking forward to an afternoon nap, all day long.

I'll spend the rest of the week trying to psych myself up to be at job that will be going away very soon. That's no easy task, and I gotta be honest, I've had a lot of trouble motivating myself lately.

Friday will come. I will rejoice. The weekend will go too quickly, as it usually does, and I'll be right back here on the couch again, dreading the Monday morning to come.

I cannot do this for the rest of my life. I will suffocate. I will die. Even if my body lives on, my dreams and my creativity will be snuffed out.

Everyone keeps asking me if I have a new job lined up. They wanna know how the hunt is going. And really, they just want me to tell them something safe and comfortable.

They'd be ecstatic if I told them I had an office job, or maybe even that I'd be teaching somewhere else. That would be a big relief to them. They'd be so proud of me and happy for me.

Not the people who love me and are close to me, though. They don't want that for me.

This morning, we had brunch with my wife's parents. My father-in-law looked across the table, while we talked about my job situation and, in reference to my being laid off, he made the statement: "You were overqualified for that job, anyway."

I thought he was just fooling around at first, but he wasn't. He meant it. I could tell he believed it.

I don't know if he's necessarily right or not, but I do know this period of my life is going to necessitate a major change.

I'm not sure what that means, but I know I have to shake things up. I have gifts and abilities, and I deserve to be appreciated and feel important.

In two weeks, the school year is over and I have no idea what I'm doing for a job after that.

And that's okay.

Rant -- over.

Wanna let off some steam? Vent a little in the comment section. It can be about Mondays, your job, people who still think "planking" is name it. If it bugs you, leave a comment about it. It won't fix anything, but you'll feel better for a minute.

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