Chad Gibbs runs and writes for his personal blog, He also wrote a book called "God and Football." I could explain the book for you, but I'd rather give you an excerpt of what may possibly be the stupidest review of a book I've ever seen, in which a person with no common sense gave Mr. Gibbs a two-star rating for his book:
"So why did I only give this book a 2-star rating, you ask? Simple, because it deserves a better rating, so I shorted the author and didn't treat him fairly. Ha! You see, that is the point. The author realizes that maybe God deserves a higher rating in his own life, but he has been rating his relationship with God a little lower on the scale than he should, so I did the same to the author of this book in order to make a point*."Dumb, right?
You know what isn't dumb? Chad Gibbs' writing. He's good at what he does, and he's also a really nice, down to Earth guy.
This interview also is not dumb.
Kevin Haggerty: Chad, I appreciate you agreeing to answer a few questions to help me and my readers get to know you a little better.
Chad Gibbs: And I appreciate you not publishing those photos from Spring Break '96.
KH: There are people in this world who have never visited your website, The only reason I can think that this may be the case is that they have been living in seclusion. For those uncultured hermits who have not experienced the glory that is your blog, please explain what the site is all about.
CG: The dozens of people who visit ChadGibbsDotCom each year know it is a site about Faith, Sports, Travel, and maybe six other things. Today it is a funny picture I made. Tomorrow I may be giving away a car?!
KH: Give us a quick rundown of your book: "God and Football" and why people should buy it
CG: "God & Football" chronicles my trips to all 12 SEC schools during the 2009 football season. I spent each weekend with rabid fans, joined them at the game on Saturday, church on Sunday, then wrote a book about the two things southerners are most passionate about: God and football.
KH: The first thing that grabs me when I visit your site is the picture of you as a baby. I'm sure this is no accident. My question is simply this: Were you the fattest baby ever, and did you ever hide things in the fat rolls on your arms?
CG: Yes, I was the fattest baby ever. My parents were once on an airplane with Fleetwood Mac, and apparently the band members could not stop laughing at how fat I was. I hid Stevie Nicks in my fat rolls
KH: Do you currently have fat rolls in your arms?
CG: No, I've lost a lot of weight since birth.
KH: You and I spoke a bit about how you went through a point in your life similar to what I'm currently experiencing, specifically in reference to the decision to pursue your dream as a writer. If you don't mind, share a bit about that point in your life and how you decided to really go after your dream, full force.
CG: Well, I never made much money to begin with, because I have a philosophy degree. Then in 2009 I signed two books with Zondervan, and the advances pretty much equaled my annual salary, so I asked my wife if I could quit my job, and she said sure. Did I mention my wife is a doctor? That also helped in the decision.
KH: What's the best piece of advice about writing anyone has ever given you?
CG: Read a lot, and write a lot. So simple, but it's so easy to just say you want to be a writer, then never write, and never really read. To me, reading is the fuel that powers me through my writing sessions.
KH: What's a big mistake you made as a blogger that you'd like to help other people avoid?
CG: I'm not sure if I've made a "big mistake" as a blogger, but tons of little ones. I'm learning a lot by reading other's blogs. Oh, and don't mess around with the theme editor stuff on wordpress unless you know what you are doing. You can really screw things up fast!
KH: What's the best book you've read in the last 12 months and why?
CG: Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms." Somehow, I'd never gotten around to reading it in my first 33 years of life. I was a little disappointed that it wasn't about a man who lost his arms though.
KH: What is the thing (blog post, book, other) you've written that you're most proud of?
CG: I love my first book that Zondervan purchased but will probably never publish. I'm working on getting the rights released so I can make it available to readers soon.
KH: A couple of weeks ago, you posted a "To Do" list that mentioned your goal to "Capture Kony." Where are you at on that? I keep seeing the videos and it seems like you may have falsely advertised.
CG: To be honest, I haven't watched any of the pro or con Kony videos. One was like 30 minutes long. I've got things to do. Like capture Kony.
KH: This is a personal question for me, but I believe it will be helpful for the readers as well. As you know, I'm in the midst of pursuing being a writer full time. Can you give me some tips on things I can do to start down that road?
CG: My two book deals were both so atypical that I feel weird giving advice. I suppose marrying a doctor would be a good place to start. Besides that, finding ways to make money apart from royalties, like writing for magazines, or selling your plasma.
KH: What are your favorite blogs to read?
CG: Knocks McCoy's, JButtWhatWhat's, Jamie Rabbit (I don't think that is her last name), Tyler Stanton, Hopeful Leigh (again, I don't think that is her real name), Allain, Random Chad, Shawn Smucker (with a name like that it's gotta be good), Caleb McNary, Some guy with a beard, Mandie Craven, Acuff, and a bunch more that I'm leaving out.
KH: Word association time. I'll give you a word, phrase or title and you give me your first blush reaction For example, if you said, "Twilight," I'd say, "Euthanasia may not be such a bad idea."
Here we go.
Jeff Foxworthy: If you have your taxidermist on speed dial...
Desperate Housewives: I saved this question for last, and I'm still drawing a blank. Absolutely nothing comes to mind when I hear Desperate Housewives.
David Letterman: Pants
College Football: War Damn Eagle
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Don't sleep with the help
The Blue Man Group: Never nude
Pinatas: Alabama HB 56
Abercrombie & Fitch: Chinese food makes me sick
Frisbees: Hard to get off of the roof
Clay Aiken: Vote for Ruben
KH: What's your favorite movie of all time and why?
CG: "The Empire Strikes Back," because it is in fact the greatest movie of all-time, and it introduces the greatest movie character of all time, Lando Calrissian (no matter what Clay-Morgan says)
KH: If you had to put a bunch of items (I won't limit you to a number) in a time capsule to represent what life was like in the during your lifetime, what would they be?
CG: I'd put a bunch of perishable food items inside with a note daring the people from the future to eat it. I'd also send them a DVD of "The Jersey Shore." I think that sums us up pretty well.
KH: What is the main goal you'd like to accomplish by the end of this year?
CG: I've got about three book proposals floating around now, and I'd like to have at least one of them under contract. I'd also like to learn French, and single-handedly bring men's capes back into fashion.
KH: If you could hang out with one professional athlete for a day, who would it be and why?
CG: Current or all-time? If all-time, I'm going Deion Sanders, because I've been obsessed with him since 7th grade. We'd go to the mall, buy a bunch of jewelry, then high step around my neighborhood, stopping only to celebrate imaginary touchdowns with impromptu dance routines. If current, Mario Balotelli.
KH: Is there anything else you'd like to plug or promote?
CG: I think Tyler Tarver has a new book out.
KH: Thanks so much for your time Chad!
CG: Thank you, and remember, destroy those photos.
Don't forget to check out Chad's website HERE. Also, be sure and follow him on Twitter HERE, and "Like" his Facebook page HERE.
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