Monday, April 2, 2012

Books I Believe In

Today's post is a short one but a very important one.

Every now and then, you read a book that really changes your life. Within the past year, I've been fortunate enough to read several that qualify as such.

I'd like to share my list with you. Here it is:


Reading "Quitter" set off a chain off events in my life that totally revolutionized my world. I read the book, on the advice of my mother-in-law, and I've never been the same since. Jon's helped me realize two very important things:

1) I'm a writer. It's who I am. I couldn't be anything else.


2) As much as my job was wearing on me at the time, quitting was not the right decision. I needed my job. It was going to pay for my dreams. I also needed to be an excellent employee, because if I just showed up to collect a paycheck, that would change me as a person and not for the better.

You can get the Kindle version of "Quitter" on Amazon for only $9.99. Buy it HERE.


Bryan Allain's "31 Days to Finding Your Blogging Mojo" is second on my list, but it's equally as important to me as "Quitter." Bryan's book made re-think everything I'd ever thought about blogging, which is good, because I was doing it really poorly. I'm not gonna give away a lot of the book, but if you care anything at all about blogging, reading this book isn't optional. Bryan explains things very clearly and makes it easy to understand. Let me be blunt for a second. If writing isn't your forte and blogging something you're as gifted at as you think you are, even this book won't save you. But if blogging is a niche in which you fit, "31 Days to Finding Your Blogging Mojo" is going to open your eyes and the doors necessary for you to succeed.

You can buy the Kindle version of Bryan's book on Amazon for only $4.99 HERE.


I only recently read Shawn Smucker's "Building a Life out of Words." I have to give Tamara Lunardo credit for this one, as it was upon her suggestion that I checked out the book and also connected with Shawn, personally. 

The book tells the story of how Shawn decided to give up the monotony and security of a "day job" and pursued his dream job of being a writer. The book came to me at a time when I needed it most. Shawn is not only a great book, Shawn is a great dude.

You can buy the Kindle version of "Building a Life out of Words" on Amazon for only $3.99 HERE

Any other books you'd like to add to the list?

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