Tuesday, March 6, 2012

No Bromance for Me: Dude Love Weirds Me Out

I'm not a touchy-feely sort of guy. It's probably to the extent that it's a flaw. That's fine. I admit that. I could be more in touch with my feminine side.

Why am I that way? I don't know. My parents hugged me sufficiently and told me they loved me when I was little (and still do). I wasn't scarred by anything traumatic.

But I've just never really been cool with showing affection to dudes. Let's high five, give "dap," fist-bump and maybe even punch each other.

If I appreciate you, I'll call you a moron or tell you you're getting fat. It's what guys do. It's what I'm comfortable with.

So, you'll understand why I may feel less than kosher about a new movement that seems to be stirring. You see it on Facebook. Sometimes, you hear it in person.

One guy tells another guy: "I love you." 

I just don't get it. I mean, if his mom died and he needs comfort, I met let one fly, but casually? Or in passing? I dunno. I think it's too much.

All that recently got turned on its ear by a friend of mine.
Sunday night, my wife Kim and I led worship for my buddy Rob Shepherd's new church. It was a good time and we really enjoyed the service.

Shep was dead on with his message and I was really excited for what God is doing through him with his new church.

But he got to a point that stalled my engine a bit. He talked about a friend of his who always tells "I love you," whenever they part company.

Rob's point was that if Jesus is open about how He loves us, why should we be shy about our love for each other?

I'm lying if I say it's not a good point. It really is. Regardless, I can't get past it. 

I hug my dad. I tell him I love him. If you're a dude and a friend of mine and you're going through a particularly rough spot, I might toss one out there. But I'll be sure to say: "Luv ya man," just to avoid confusion.

It probably makes me a huge weirdo, but I just can't get down with dude loving.

What do you think about "Bromances?" Does "dude love" weird you out?