Monday, February 20, 2012

I choose you for my team

When I first set out to start blogging, my original goals were not to get rich or famous in the pursuit. This works out well, as I'm nowhere near either of those mile-markers.

Those are things I wasn't shooting for.

What I did and still do want to accomplish is simple: I want to establish a community of like-minded people who endeavor to share life through their magnifying glass on a regular basis.

It's been fun so far. The site has grown. The number of people who regularly interact both via Twitter and the comment section of my blog posts has skyrocketed since I started. For that, I am grateful. 

Here's the thing. We're just getting started. It's been cool getting to know you guys, but I'd like to take out relationship to the next level.

Don't get freaked out. I'm not going to ask for a lifelong commitment. But hey, it's Valentine's Day. Not a bad time to talk about our relationship, right?

I'll get to the point.

A lot of you check in to TheIsleOfMan.Net quasi-regularly, as well as follow me on Twitter and interact there. But there are two things that I'd really appreciate you doing.

1) Become a follower via Google Friends Connect. It's super easy. On the right sidebar, there is a small blue button that says: "Join this site," directly over top of the avatars of those who already do follow. If you enjoy the content here, it would mean a lot to me if you'd add yourself to that list.

2) Subscribe to the feed. There are two ways you can do this. The first is to simply enter your email address in the box inside the right sidebar, near the top, directly under where it says: "Subscribe to email updates." You won't get spammed or hassled. All that will happen is that you'll get an update email when a new blog post has been published. The second way you can subscribe is to click the blue "RSS Feed" icon on the right near the top. It's in between the Facebook and E-mail icons. Personally, I like to use Google Reader to read my feeds. It's an easy way to keep all my blogs organized. If you haven't used it, I highly recommend it.

If you want you can even do both.

That's it. Every little bit helps. When you follow the site, when you leave comments, when you RT my links on Twitter -- all of that helps immensely and it really means a lot to me.

How did you find this blog in the first place? What was it that kept you coming back?