I don't do a lot of book reviews or product suggestions. This is for two reasons:
1) It's always been a goal of mine not to spam you to death. I like you guys. Don't get a big head.
2) I admittedly have been out of the "reading" game for some time now. I like TV. It has pictures and sounds. I'm easily fixated that way.
Only recently have I been lured back into reading and it has been due largely in part to e-books. I stumbled across one in particular this past week that I felt was well worth passing along to you guys.
Knox McCoy is a blogger who writes one of my favorite blogs on the interwebs. His "Monday Meatloaf" posts are some of my favorite blog posts anywhere. He also writes weekly recaps of "The Walking Dead" that fans of the show (and humor) will love.
Mr. McCoy already has one book called Jesus and the Bachelorette that you should buy right away.
His latest offering is called "A Manifesto About Manifestos: A Manifesto." As a blogger who enjoys sarcasm and satire, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this book. If you've ever read a blogger's manifesto, you will be able to appreciate the jabs given and shots taken. It's written in a way that gets the jaded cynicism across without being over-the-top mean.
I enjoyed it from top to bottom. It's free, it's not a long read and it's hilarious.
So how do you get it?
All you have to do is click THIS LINK, read the post, then join Knox's email list. You'll get the book in .pdf format as a link in your email...totally free.
You won't regret it.
Any other e-books you'd recommend?