Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Words With Friends: I may need an intervention

I don't have a lot of free time. I work full-time as a teacher. I write part-time for a mixed martial arts (MMA) website. I'm a full-time husband and fairly new homeowner. 

I recently discovered a game called "Words With Friends." It is essentially "Scrabble" on crack.

(Disclaimer: I am not endorsing crack. It's bad for you. Don't do it. This was merely an analogy. If ever in the future you are not certain if I'm making a comparison to get your attention or actually promoting harmful substances, it's probably the former of the two.)


The game is addictive. You're basically playing "Scrabble" against as many people as you want. When one of your opponents plays a word, you get an alert on your phone (assuming that is the device you're using to play). 

I play all the time. I play when I should be doing important things. It may have even become an idol to me. 

It's interesting how a game can show you things about your friends and family that you didn't previously know. For instance, did you know you can cheat on "Words With Friends?" Oh yeah. You sure can. If you have an iPhone, you can download a program called CheatMaster5000. In short, it solves the whole puzzle for you. You have to do little to none of the work and look like a genius in the process.

If you use it, you're a bad person. I suspect some of you and may have reported you to appropriate authorities.

Do you play "Words With Friends?" Do you have a friend who you suspect might be cheating? Call them out. Right here. I dare you.