Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Post-marriage Holiday Celebration: Attempting to successfully merge your traditions with those of your spouse

That's not a picture of my family. I don't even know those people. Creepy? Maybe. But if you put a picture of your family on the internet, it's going to get copied and pasted at some point. It's for a good cause.

When I was younger and single, holidays were easy. Particularly when I still lived at home. It was simple. The "to-do" list looked something like this:

  • Sleep in (this is key and probably the most important part of the process)
  • Throw on some sweats
  • Walk into the living room and lay down on the couch
  • Eat lots of turkey
  • Get fatter
  • Go to sleep

When I got married, everything became more complicated. Now I have a second family. That family has another family. I'm related to so many more people than I used to be. I'm somehow expected to see them all. It's crazy.

This year, we're going with my wife's immediate family over to an extended family get-together during the early afternoon, then heading over to my immediate family's house for the rest of the evening.

The tragedy in all of this? I will probably not get to watch any football on my 46-inch LCD TV, equipped with DirecTV, crystal-clear picture and theatre surround sound.

What's the world coming to?

How do you celebrate Thanksgiving? If you're married, how have your traditions changed since you took "the plunge?" Do you have any strange Thanksgiving traditions? I'd love to read all about it!