The title of this post is also the title of a song by the Scottish post-rock band, Mogwai. It's a title that's always stuck with me. I imagine that was the intent when they chose it.
It's a pretty song. Listen.
Oddly (or appropriately, depending on how you look at it) enough, the song is an instrumental tune and has no words or lyrics. I actually kind of enjoy the fact that this is the case. It allows me to use my imagination regarding the meaning behind the song.
I'd like to give it a stab.
I don't believe Mogwai to be any sort of "Christian band." I don't think their music has much of a religious pretense.
It's possible they just picked something outrageous to get attention. Maybe I'm romanticizing, but I think it's deeper than that.
As Christians, we get used to the way we talk. We have our own language. If you've been raised in the church, hearing someone talk about their relationship with Jesus is nothing out of the ordinary.
I know Jesus. I can't see him, but I know him. He's my friend. We talk.
None of that is probably unusual to you, but certainly you can see why it would be to someone who doesn't "run in this circle," right?
And that's not the truly odd part.
What really disillusions non-Christians about the statement: "I know Jesus" is that so many of the people who say it are just paying lip-service.
You say you know Jesus. Do you?
Do you crave power and status? Do you put your needs and wants over the well-being of children? Do you treat other people with disdain? Are you loving towards your spouse? Do you hold doors? Do you say "thank you?" Do you smile?
I can't look into your heart and say definitively if you're a Christian. That's not really my place. But if you're representing Him, if you're claiming His name publicly, you should start acting differently.
Jesus was never rude. Jesus put others before Himself. Jesus loved children. Jesus had compassion. If those are characteristics that you have trouble identifying with, I encourage you to take a deep, introspective look today.
Do you know Jesus?