We did it. We probably did it all wrong, but we did it.
That's right ladies and gentlemen. Kim and I bought a house. We're still waiting for everything to close and finalize, but the house is under contract and it looks like a go.
It's been a long process. We're grateful to all of you who have prayed for us, sent us words of encouragement and who have just been uplifting voices to us on our journey.
It hasn't been easy. We've learned a lot and we learned it the hard way. Experience earned is experience wasted if it does not become experience shared.
So that's the plan. I am now an expert on buying a first home. Why? Because I've successfully done it. Ok, so maybe I'm not an expert, but if you've never bought a house, I'm more of an expert than you are.
I wanted to share some of the "do's and don't's" that I've picked up along the way. If you have bought a house already and you fancy yourself more of an expert than I am, feel free to still read the post and enjoy the fact that you knew more than I did before you even bought your house. It's fine. I won't begrudge you the opportunity. When I fall down, it's terrible. When somebody else falls, it's hilarious. Those are the rules. I don't write 'em. Don't be mad at me.