Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Great Recovery

When I say the words: "The Great," what do you think of?

Maybe you think of The Great Depression, a dark time period in our nation's history full of economic hardship.

Perhaps you go the route of The Great Gatsby, a classic novel which you probably were forced to read in high school.

If you're super spiritual, maybe The Great Awakening comes to mind. (I'm not going to define that term. We agreed you were super spiritual. You already know.)

Dave Ramsey (yep, there I go mentioning him again!) is looking to begin the next Great thing. He's calling it: "The Great Recovery."

Here's an excerpt from his site, www.thegreatrecovery.com, explaining just what the purpose of this new movement is.

The Great Recovery is a grassroots movement spread by people who are tired of looking to Washington for answers. The truth is that the government can't fix this economy. It'll be restored one family at a time, as each of us takes a stand to return to God and grandma's way of handling money.

Together, we'll bring this country back on track—one family, one church, one community at a time.
So, just what exactly are we recovering from?

Right now, our country is in an economic decline. Note that I didn't use words like "depression" or "recession." It's a decline. It will get better.

Regardless of where you weigh in on the topic, you've probably felt the sting at some point. Maybe your business isn't seeing the kind of returns it had been previously experiencing. Maybe you had to forego your family vacation this year. Going out to eat may have become a more rare (and special) occasion.

Either way, you feel it. You can see it on people's faces and in their temperament.

If you're super conservative, you blame it solely on Barack Obama and his poor strategies and leadership.

If you're uber liberal, you cite George W. Bush as the man behind all our problems, and state that no one could possibly clean up the mess that he made.

Dave Ramsey is trying to show people a new way. He's trying to show people that there is a method wherein the man in the White House will not so greatly impact your financial well-being.

He has a plan and it's not that innovative. He will tell you firsthand that his economic theories come from "God and Grandma." They're old school, but they work.

On Jul. 21, 2011, Dave Ramsey's organization held a "kick-off" event for The Great Recovery movement. I could keep bantering on and on about it, but instead, I'll let you see it for yourself.

The following is a video replay of the event. I encourage you to watch it with an open mind. Watch it with your spouse. Watch it with your friends.