Friday, August 12, 2011

I love gooooooooold!!!

No doubt you've heard the debate: To invest or not invest in gold?

It's our Earth's most precious commodity (allegedly). It will never go away. It's what we base our currency on. All sound logic...right?

It depends on who you ask. If you ask Dave Ramsey, he'd steer you in a different direction.

(article after the jump)

Should I Invest In Gold?

from on 10 Aug 2011
Once again, investors are reacting to the uncertainty in the stock market by investing in gold. In one month alone, the price of gold rose nearly $240 to an all-time high of $1,782 per ounce. The “experts” are touting gold as the only “safe” investment in a volatile market.
So is now the time to buy gold?
No way!
Think about it: Why would you buy something at its all-time high? From 1833 to 2001, the compound growth rate of gold was 1.54%. Since September 11, gold has made record returns, averaging close to 16% a year. The gains that gold has made in the last 10 years can't make up for nearly two centuries of poor performance. There's nowhere to go but down—and history supports that.
Many people invest in gold out of fear. Think about how the value of gold has gone up as uncertainty in world economies has increased. With the ever-changing values of world currencies, some people see gold as more stable. But that's just not the case.
Today, like most commodities, the price of gold is driven by supply and demand, as well as speculation. The ongoing high political drama over the nation’s debt and the media-driven spirit of fear have also encouraged this recent spike in gold prices.
When prices are driven to artificial lows or highs out of fear and greed, investors create a bubble. And bubbles will always burst. Investing is not buying something based on fear or greed. At best, investing in gold is speculation. And, at worst, it's gambling.
So investing in gold is a bad idea, but selling it is not! Now is a great time to capitalize on the inflated prices and sell your unused gold and silver. Open up your old jewelry box and pull out those pieces you will never wear again. Use that money for your emergency fund, dumping debt, or investing in a good mutual fund.
Gold Stash is a quality company that will gladly buy any of your unused gold and silver. They do business the right way, going above and beyond. Dave wouldn't endorse them if they did any less. With Gold Stash, you can take advantage of the high gold prices in a safe and responsible way.