Last week, I wrote a blog post about the importance of doing and keeping a budget. I received a couple emails afterwards asking for specifics on the budget that I and my wife actually use.
Again, I refer all of you to the Quickie Budget that Dave Ramsey offers on his personal website. If you're just getting your feet wet in the waters of budgeting, Mr. Ramsey has a ton of good resources to help you out.
Everyone learns differently. Some of us are visual learners. Some of us need to hear things. Some of us are tactile and really need to do things so that we can get the feel of it.
I decided to go ahead and upload my budget files as downloadable attachments. The numbers are made up, but it's enough to give you the idea.
Make sure you examine the formulas. Otherwise, this will be more an exercise of me leading you to water rather than me teaching you to fish, which is what I want to do overwhelmingly more than the former of the two.
I'm linking two files.
The first is my monthly general budget. As the name indicates, it is not a super specific budget. It outlines what is coming in and what is going out.
The second file is a more specific spreadsheet that outlines the items in the sub-categories. It will all make more sense once you actually look over the files.
Without any further ado, here are the files:
I thought about explaining all of it in greater detail in this post, but ya know what? I won't answer everything and I'll leave something out.
Instead, if you have q's, just email me at: I'll do my best to get back to you ASAP.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out the blog. If you find the information useful and enjoy what you've seen so far, I'd love to hear from you via email or Twitter.