Saturday, July 23, 2011

Get Busy Living!

I wasn't gonna write anything this weekend. 

I'm on vacation with my family. The goal was to get away for a few days. Get some peace and quiet. Relax.

I was pitching a perfect game of relaxation and ignoring the outside world, but then American Movie Classics (AMC) ruined all of that.

AMC is running an all day marathon today of one of my all-time favorite movies: "The Shawshank Redemption."

For those of you who are unaware, here's a brief synopsis of the film (NO SPOILERS!):

The main character is a guy named Andy Dufresne (DOO-FRAYNE). Andy is a guy who has been wrongly imprisoned for supposedly killing his wife, and serving out a subsequent life sentence. The film is about Andy making peace with the injustice he's received, as well as how Andy is able to bring positive life change to those around him during his time in "the pen."

There's one scene in particular that always grips me. This time through was no different.

In the scene, Andy is having a conversation with one of his closest friends in prison. The focal point of the conversation has to do with the unfairness that Andy has been dealt, and really just how life can be unfair, in general.
"Bad luck, I guess. It floats around. It had to land on somebody. I was in the path of the tornado. I just didn't know it'd last this long."
Andy goes on to talk about his plans for when he gets out of prison. His buddy, "Red", who is played by Morgan Freeman, is a bit incensed by this. They're both in for a life term. Red sees hope as a dangerous thing and discourages Andy from pursuing such nonsense.

Andy's response is really an encapsulation of the entire movie. He simply says:
"I guess you either get busy living or you get busy dying."
I don't want to over-simplify life, or be that guy who makes too much out of a movie. I don't want to, but I might do both anyway.

That line just resounds deeply with me. Think about it. Read it aloud a few times. If you're somewhere public, just read it in your head. We don't want people thinking you're crazy.

Life IS unfair, and excuses are easy to come by. I'm guilty of it. We all are.

I can't tell you how many times I've looked at someone who was better off than me and sarcastically thought: "Oh. Must be nice." They haven't had the obstacles I've had. If I didn't have all these burdens and crosses to bare!!!

The "what ifs" and "if onlys" will consume you if you let them.

Stop for a minute and ask yourself if you're happy. Ask yourself if you're where you want to be. If you're not (and inevitably, you're not), ask yourself if you're on the right track to at least getting where you want to be.

As this blog grows and unfolds, I will make efforts to give plausible and tangible steps to get where you need to be. But the first step is your heart and your attitude.

I don't want to be cheesy about it. I'm not going to "Joel Osteen" you. I'm not going to encourage you to "name-it-and-claim-it." But it is a very true truth that the energy you put out into the universe does come back to you in some shape or form.

That doesn't mean that if you are positive and optimistic all day you will wind up rich. You might not.

It does mean that if you waste your hours being negative, complaining and listing reasons why you shouldn't be won't be. You will fulfill that prophecy every time.

The point of this blog is not to perform or induce miracles. I don't claim to be the most profound thinker or typer. I just hope I can help you get started.

Get busy living!!!