Thursday, November 29, 2012

T-minus Two Days until the Beard Bites the Dust!

This month marks the longest amount of time I've ever grown out a beard, without any kind of shaving or razor trimming.

There have been moments where I've felt fond of it. I've gotten a lot of compliments -- mainly from dudes who were impressed by the manliness of my face sweater.

But, my wife is super ready for me to bid the beard farewell. She hates it, mostly because of the itchiness. I won't lie, this month, I have received far fewer kisses.

It sucks, but it's for a good cause.

That cause, in case you forgot, was to bring awareness to the fact that the "Bearded Bloggers" are trying to raise $1000 for Charity Water by the end of the month.

Today is the 29th. Tomorrow is the 30th. That means we have essentially two more days to get this thing done.

At the time this post was being written, we've raised $840, leaving us a mere $160 away from our end goal. I'm so happy that we've done as well as we have, and that 42 people in the Tigray region of Ethiopia have received clean water because of the funds we've raised.

But we said we'd raise $1000, and we're not there yet. I'd give the remaining $160 myself if I had it. I don't, and you might not either, but you might have $10, and we can really use it.

Please -- give what you can. Share this post and this goal with as many friends and family members as you can. We're so close, guys! Help us cross the finish line.